Exam Question for Class 10 Social Science Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy
Please refer to below Exam Question for Class 10 Social Science Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy. These questions and answers have been prepared by expert Class 10 Social Science teachers based on the latest NCERT Book for Class 10 Social Science and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. We have provided Class 10 Social Science exam questions for all chapters in your textbooks. You will be able to easily learn problems and solutions which are expected to come in the upcoming class tests and exams for standard 10th.
Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy Class 10 Social Science Exam Question
All questions and answers provided below for Exam Question Class 10 Social Science Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy are very important and should be revised daily.
Exam Question Class 10 Social Science Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy
Objective Type Questions
Question. Following form of government is found in most of the countries:
(a) Democracy
(b) Absolute monarchy
(c) Dictatorship
(d) Army rule
Answer : (a) Democracy
Question. Democratic government is a legitimate government. Which of the following is correct to justify the statement?
(a) It accommodates social diversities.
(b) It is people’s own government elected by the people.
(c) It leads to peaceful harmonious life
(d) All of the above
Answer : (d) All of the above
Question. In actual life, ________________ do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities.
(a) democracies
(b) dictorial regimes
(c) poor countries
(d) rich countries
Answer : (a) democracies
Question. Democracies have eliminated successfully:
(a) Economic inequalities among people
(b) Conflicts among people
(c) The idea of political inequality
(d) Differences of opinion about marginalised sections are to be treated.
Answer : (c) The idea of political inequality
Question. Which of the following factors are necessary for the success of democracy?
(a) It provides legitimacy and accommodates government of social diversity.
(b) It provides dignity and freedom of the citizens.
(c) Transparency of democracy. It is accountable and responsible of ruling.
(d) All of the above
Answer : (d) All of the above
Question. Democracy is better than any other form of rule because it:
(a) promotes equality among citizens
(b) enhances the dignity and freedom of the individual
(c) improves the quality of decision-making
(d) All of the above
Answer : (d) All of the above
Question. ______________ believe that democracy is suitable for their country.
Answer : People
Question. The difference in the rates of economic development between less developed countries with ________________ and democracies is negligible.
Answer : dictatorships
Question. State whether the following statements are true or false
Democracy is a better form of government when compared with dictatorship or other alternatives.
Answer : True
Question. Correct the following statements and rewrite
The basic outcome of non-democratic is it produces a government that is accountable to the citizens.
Answer : The basic outcome of democracy is it produces a government that is accountable to the citizens.
Question. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option:
Assertion (A): As compared to dictatorship democracy is better.
Reason (R): Democracy promotes equality among citizens.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
Answer : (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Question. Read the given data and find out which country has most preferable democratic country.

(a) India
(b) Pakistan
(c) Bangladesh
(d) Sri Lanka
Answer : (a) India
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question. ‘‘Democracies accommodate various social divisions.” Explain.
Answer : Democracies accommodate various social divisions. It usually develops a procedure to conduct their competition which reduces the possibility of the tensions becoming explosive or violent.
Question. Which form of government is considered best?
Answer : Democratic form of government.
Question. What does transparency in a democracy mean?
Answer : In democracy decision making will be based on norms and procedures. A citizen has the right and the means to examine the process of decision making. A citizen who wants to know if a decision was taken through the correct procedure can find this out.
Question. What is meant by economic inequality?
Answer : It refers to disparities in the distribution of economic assets and income.
Question. Is non-democratic government quick and efficient in decision making?
Answer : It is true that non-democratic rulers do not have to bother about deliberations in assemblies or worry about majestic and public opinion. So, they can be very quick and efficient in decision making and implementations.
Question. On which factors does economic development of a country depend?
Answer : (i) Population of the country.
(ii) Global situation.
(iii) Cooperation from other countries.
(iv) Economic priorities adopted by the country.
Question. What does democracy mean?
Explain the meaning of democracy.
Answer : Democracy means “rule by the people”. It is just a form of government, can only create conditions for achieving something.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question. Explain the ways in which democracy can be redefined to make democracy more effective.
Answer : Ways in which democracy can be redefined to make democracy more effective:
(i) Ensures that views of minority are respected.
(ii) Eliminates caste, religion and gender based discrimination.
(iii) People enjoy extensive rights from right to vote to participate in elections.
(iv) People enjoy social and economic rights.
Question. “It may be reasonable to expect from a democracy a government that is attentive to the needs and demands of the people and is largely free of corruption.” Explain this statement in three points.
Answer : Corruption of government:
(i) Democracies often frustrate the needs of people and often ignore the demands of the majority.
(ii) The routine tales of corruption are enough to convince us that democracy is not free from this evil.
(iii) But a democratic government is people’s own government and pays heed to their demands.
(iv) People have believed that democracy will be attentive and make policies that will free the country from corruption.
Question. “A public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of democratic project.” Justify the statement.
Answer : A public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of democratic project as
(i) it shows that people have developed awareness and the ability to expect.
(ii) people look critically at power holders. They want to make democracy better.
(iii) they come up with expressions and complaints.
(iv) they value their democratic rights.
Question. How is democratic government known as responsive government? Explain with an example.
Answer : A democratic government has to be responsive to the needs of its citizens:
(i) Through pressure groups, and public protests, the democratic government can check the popularity of its decisions and mechanism of administering justice.
(ii) A government which is able to respond to grievances faster is able to avoid confrontation and provide good governance.
Question. How democracies have been able to reduce poverty? Elaborate.
Answer : (i) Democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities. Although majority of voters constitute the poverty ridden group, yet democratically elected government do not appear to be as keen to address the question of poverty as you would expect them to.
(ii) Situation is much worse in some of the countries where people depend upon rich countries for food supplies.
(iii) But even then democracy is favored because it provides the opportunity to change the rulers.
Question. Why do we expect a lot from a democratic government?
Answer : (i) A democratic government is people’s own government. People have faith in it because it provides equal status to all and resolves conflicts among individuals in an amicable way.
(ii) People wish to be ruled by representatives elected by them.
(iii) They also believe that democracy is suitable for their country when people get some benefits. They start expecting more which is quite natural.
Question. Analyse any three values that make democracy better.
How is democracy a better form of government when compared with dictatorship or any other alternative government?
“Democracy is best suited to produce better results.” Examine the statement.
Answer : Democracy is a better form of government when compared with dictatorship or any other alternative
form of government because it:
(i) Promotes equality among citizens
(ii) Enhances the dignity of the individual
(iii) Improves the quality of decision making
(iv) Provides a method to resolve conflicts
(v) Allows room to correct mistakes.
(vi) Guarantees rights to citizens.
Question. How can a democratic government be made accountable? Explain.
“Democratic governments in practice are known as accountable.” Support the statement with arguments.
Answer : Democratic governments in practice are accountable because:
(i) It is right to expect democracy to form a government that follows procedures and is accountable to the people.
(ii) It is also expected that the democratic government develops mechanisms for citizens to take part in decision making whenever they think it as fit.
(iii) The democratic government is accountable to the people. It ignores the will of the people they will not elect their ruler in the next general election.
(iv) The procedures and decision making process should be transparent for democratic government to be accountable to the people.
Question. “In a democracy, political expression of social divisions is very normal and can be healthy.” Illustrate with suitable examples.
Answer : Political expression of social division are as follows:
(i) This allows various disadvantaged and marginal social groups to express their grievances and get the government to attend to these.
(ii) They can voice their demand in a peaceful and constitutional manner through elections.
(iii) They can fight for their recognition and also to accommodate diversity.
Question. On the basis of which values will it be a fair expectation that democracy should produce a harmonious social life? Explain.
Answer : The values that are associated with democracy producing a harmonious social life are:
(i) Equality among all human beings.
(ii) Respect for individual freedom.
(iii) Democracies accommodate various social divisions.
(iv) Democracies reduce the possibility of tensions becoming explosive or violent.
(v) Ability to handle social differences, divisions and conflicts.
Question. “Transparency is the most important feature of democracy.” Analyse.
Answer : Transparency is the most important feature of democracy:
(i) Democracy ensures that decision-making will be based on certain norms and procedures.
(ii) So, a citizen who wants to know if a decision was taken through correct procedures can find this out.
(iii) The citizen has the right and the means to examine the process of decision-making. This is known as transparency.
Question. Explain with examples, how the dignity and freedom of citizens are best guaranteed in a democracy.
“Democracy promotes dignity and freedom of the people”. Examine the statement.
Answer : (i) Democracies throughout the world have recognized the fact that people should be treated with due respect. The passion for respect and freedom is the basis of democracy.
(ii) Democracies recognize all individuals as equal. This equality is a big thing for the societies which have been built for long on the basis of subordination and domination.
(iii) Most societies across the world are male-dominated but democracies have created sensitivity that equal treatment of women are necessary ingredients of a democratic society.
(iv) Caste-based inequalities and atrocities are also not acceptable to democracies. All these combined together enhance the dignity and freedom of the individual.
Question. “The economic growth rate in dictatorship is better than that in democratic rule.” Why is it so?
Answer : The economic growth rate in dictatorship is better than that in democratic rule because:
(i) The economic growth rate in all dictatorial regimes was 4.42 per cent as compared to 3.95 per cent all democratic regimes during the period 1995-2000.
(ii) In dictatorial regimes, the rules and regulations are rigid and compulsory. The citizens who disobey are severely punished.
(iii) In democratic regimes, as the leaders and bureaucrats think about their profits only the government is not much keen to remove poverty and develop the country economically.
Question. “A democratic government is efficient and effective.” Analyse the statement.
“The cost of time that democracy pays is perhaps worth it.” Justify.
Answer : (i) A government may take decisions very fast. But it may take decisions that are not accepted by the people and may, therefore, face problems.
(ii) In contrast, the democratic government will take more time to follow procedure before arriving at a decision.
(iii) However, because it has followed procedure, its decisions may be more acceptable to the people and more effective. So, the cost of time that democracy pays is perhaps worth it.
Question. What is the meaning of ‘democracy’?
Answer : Democracy is formed by two Greek words “demos” and “kratia”. Demo means people and Kratia means the government. It means “rule by the people”. In a democratic setup, every citizen has the right to take part in the decision making process. Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as, “government of the people, government by the people and government for the people”. It means that citizens of the country choose their representatives who would form the government. The government would work for the collective interests of the society.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question. “Democracies lead to a peaceful and harmonious life among citizens.” Justify this statement.
Answer : (i) It will be a fair expectation that democracy should produce a harmonious social life. Democracy usually develop a procedure to conduct their competition. This reduces the possibility of these tensions becoming explosive or violent.
(ii) No society can fully and permanently resolve conflicts among different groups. But we can certainly learn to respect these differences and we can also evolve mechanism to negotiate the differences. Democracy is best suited to produce this outcome.
(iii) Non-democratic government often turn a blind eye to or suppress internal social differences. Ability to handle social differences, divisions and conflicts is thus a definite plus point of democratic government.
(iv) It is necessary to understand that democracy is not simply rule by majority opinion. The majority always needs to work with the minority so that governments function to represent the general view.
(v) It is also necessary that rule by majority does not become rule by majority community in terms of religion or race or linguistic group. Rule by majority means that in case of every decision or in case of every election, different persons and groups may and can form a majority. Democracy remains democracy only as long as every citizen has a chance of being in majority at some point of time.
Question. “Democracies are not appearing to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities.” Analyse the statement.
Answer : Democracy and the economic outcomes:
(i) Slow economic development and economic growth due to population.
(ii) Basic needs of life, such as food clothing, shelter are difficult to achieve.
(iii) Prevalence of economic inequalities.
(iv) Poverty is still a big issue.
(v) Allocation of resources in few hands.
(vi) Unjust distribution of goods and opportunities.
Question. “Democracies often frustrate the needs of the people”. Support your answer.
Answer : (i) A democratic government is for the people, by the people and should be attentive to the needs of the people.
(ii) An ordinary citizen votes for a minister, but cannot meet him if needed. There is the evil of corruption which has made the life difficult for the citizens and does not give much advice to them to choose their leaders.
(iii) If we see economic growth, it is lower than those in non-democratic regimes.
(iv) The native tales of corruption are enough to convince as that democracy is not free from corruption.
(v) It is an accepted fact that leaders use money to win votes and capitalists are supporting them.
(vi) Now many leaders vare involved in scams which become a daily news in the newspaper. These leaders are mostly involved in corruption charges.
Question. How are the democratic governments better than the other forms of governments? Compare.
“Democracy is a better form of government than any other form of government.” Analyse the statement with arguments.
Why do we feel that democracy is a better form of government than any other form? Explain.
Describe any five factors that make democracy is a better form of government than other alternatives.
Answer : The democratic governments are better than other forms of governments because:
(i) Democratic governments have formal Constitution, while it is not the case in other form of governments.
(ii) They hold regular elections, while it is not the case in other form of governments.
(iii) They have political parties, whereas there is no such thing in other form of governments.
(iv) They guarantee rights to citizens, while it is not the case in the other form of governments.
(v) Such governments allow room to correct mistakes, while it is not there in the other form of government.
(vi) Such government accommodates social diversities, while no such thing in other form of government.
Question. Respect and equal treatment of women are necessary ingredients of a democratic society’. Examine the statements.
Answer : Respect and Equal treatment of women are necessary ingredients of a democratic society:
(i) Economic independence or access to an inherited or self-generated income is considered to be the major means of empowering women.
(ii) Equal political and civil rights as men.
(iii) Ways of autonomy and freedom.
(iv) Distributive justice to reduce inequalities in resources and power.
(v) Love, universal brotherhood, sincerity, honesty and integrity of character, firm attitude of rendering help.
(vi) Removing social evils including violence, torture, humiliation, etc.
Question. How does a democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government?
How is democracy accountable and responsible to the needs and expectations of the citizens? Analyse.
Answer : Democracy is accountable and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens because:
(i) In a democracy, people have the right to choose their representatives and the people will have control over them.
(ii) Citizens have the right to participate in decision making that affects them all. This ensures that the working of the government is transparent.
(iii) Everybody expects the government to be attentive to the needs and expectations of the people.
(iv) It is expected that the democratic government develops mechanisms for citizens to hold the government accountable.
(v) The opposition parties can also question and criticize the government policies. They keep a check on the ruling party and make sure that it does not misuse the power.
Question. “There is overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world.” Support the statement.
What are the merits of a democratic government?
Answer : There is an overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world because:
(i) A democratic government is people’s own government.
(ii) The evidence from South Asia shows that the support exists in countries with democratic regimes.
(iii) People wished to be ruled by representatives elected by them.
(iv) People believe that democracy is suitable for their country.
(v) Democracy has the ability to generate its own support which in itself is an outcome that cannot be ignored.
Question. Democracy has failed to reduce economic inequality and poverty.” Do you agree? Give arguments in support of your answer.
Answer : In actual life, democracies do not appear to be reducing inequalities.
(i) The poor constitute a large proportion of our voters and no party likes to lose their votes, yet democratically elected governments have not addressed the question of poverty as one would have expected them to.
(ii) The people in several poor countries are now dependent on the rich countries even for food supplies.
Argument in support:
(i) It enhances the dignity of the individuals.
(ii) It improves the quality of decision· making.
(iii) It provides a method to resolve conflicts.
Question. How does democracy promote the dignity and freedom of an individual?
Democracy stands much superior to any other forms of government in promoting dignity and freedom of the individual. Explain.
Democracy is based on dignity and freedom. Explain.
Answer : (i) Every individual wants respect from fellow beings. Often conflicts arise among individuals because some feel that they are not treated with due respect.
(ii) The passions for respect and freedom are the basis of democracy.
(iii) Democracy no doubt promotes dignity of the citizens and treats everyone equally.
(iv) In case of dignity of women, long struggle of women are able to win them some respect and dignity in the society today.
(v) In the case of caste inequalities, democracy in India has strengthened the claims of disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunities.
(vi) A public expression of dissatisfactions with democracy shows the success of the democratic projects. It transforms people from the status of a subject into that of a citizens.
Picture Based Questions
Question. Study the cartoon and answer the question.

Which one of the following options best signifies this cartoon?
(a) Demand for separate state from Democratic Government
(b) Democratic Government is facing territorial issues with the bordering states
(c) Democratic Government is coping with multiple pressures through accommodation
(d) Democratic Government accepts demands based on separate state
Answer : (c) Democratic Government is coping with multiple pressures through accommodation
Case Based Questions
Question. Read the source given below and answer the questions by choosing the most appropriate option.
There are some things that democracy must provide. In a democracy, we are most concerned with ensuring that people will have the right to choose their rulers and people will have control over the rulers. Whenever possible and necessary, citizens should be able to participate in decision making, that affects them all. Therefore, the most basic outcome of democracy should be that it produces a government that is accountable to the citizens, and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens. Some people think that democracy produces less effective government. It is, of course, true that non-democratic rulers are very quick and efficient in decision making and implementation, whereas, democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation. So, some delay is bound to take place. But, because it has followed procedures, its decisions may be both more acceptable to the people and more effective. Moreover, when citizens want to know if a decision was taken through the correct procedures, they can find this out. They have the right and the means to examine the process of decision making. This is known as transparency. This factor is often missing from a nondemocratic government. There is another aspect in which democratic government is certainly better than its alternatives: democratic government is legitimate government. It may be slow, less efficient, not always very responsive, or clean. But a democratic government is people’s own government.
(i) People’s right to choose their own rulers is called as the–
(a) Right to Initiate
(b) Right to Plebiscite
(c) Right to Vote
(d) Right to Referendum
Answer : (c) Right to Vote
(ii) Which of the following options helps in promoting transparency in the governance?
(a) Right to education
(b) Right to information
(c) Right against exploitation
(d) Right to speech and expression
Answer : (b) Right to information
(iii) What make/s the government legitimate?
Answer : Free and fair elections make the government legitimate.
(iv) What is known as transparency in a democracy?
Answer : In a democracy, a citizen who wants to know if a decision was taken through the correct procedures can find this out. He/she has the right and means to examine the process of decision-making. This is known as transparency.
Question. Read the source given below and answer the questions by choosing the most appropriate option.
In a democracy, we are most concerned with ensuring that people will have the right to choose their rulers and people will have control over the rulers. Whenever possible and necessary, citizens should be able to participate in decision making, that affects them all. Therefore, the most basic outcome of democracy should be that it produces a government that is accountable to the citizens, and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens. Some people think that democracy produces less effective government. It is, of course, true that non-democratic rulers are very quick and efficient in decision making and implementation, whereas, democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation. So, some delay is bound to take place. But, because it has followed procedures, its decisions may be both more acceptable to the people and more effective. Moreover, when citizens want to known if a decision was taken through the correct procedures, they can find this out. They have the right and the means to examine the process of decision making. This is known as transparency. This factor is often missing from a non-democratic government. There is another aspect in which democratic government is certainly better than its alternatives: democratic government is legitimate government. It may be slow, less efficient, not always very responsive, or clean. But a democratic government is people’s own government.
(i) People’s right to choose their own rulers is called as the–
(a) Right to Initiate
(b) Right to Plebiscite
(c) Right to Vote
(d) Right to Referendum
Answer : (c) Right to Vote
(ii) Which of the following options help in promoting transparency in the governance?
(a) Right to education
(b) Right to information
(c) Right against exploitation
(d) Right to speech and expression
Answer : (b) Right to information
(iii) What makes the government legitimate?
Answer : Free and fair elections
(iv) Why are decisions in a democracy are more acceptable to the people?
Answer : Because in a democracy decisions are taken after following due processes.
Question. Read the source given below and answer the questions by choosing the most appropriate option.
Democracies are based on political equality. All individuals have equal weight in electing representatives. Parallel to the process of bringing individuals into the political arena on an equal footing, we find growing economic inequalities. A small number of ultra-rich enjoy a highly disproportionate share of wealth and incomes. Not only that, their share in the total income of the country has been increasing. Those at the bottom of the society have very little to depend upon. Their incomes have been declining. Sometimes they find it difficult to meet their basic needs of life, such as food, clothing, house, education and health.
(i) Democracy is a rule of the ______________ .
(a) poor
(b) majority
(c) political party
(d) Parliament
Answer : (b) majority
(ii) Who among the following find it difficult to meet their basic needs of life?
(a) Ultra rich
(b) Rich
(c) Very poor
(d) None of them
Answer : (c) Very poor
(iii) What does the term ultra-rich mean?
Answer : Highly wealthy
(iv) How is democracy based on political equality?
Answer : Because democracy ensures and promote universal adult franchise.