MCQs for Chemistry Class 11 with Answers Chapter 5 States of Matter
Students of class 11 Chemistry should refer to MCQ Questions Class 11 Chemistry States of Matter with answers provided here which is an important chapter in Class 11 Chemistry NCERT textbook. These MCQ for Class 11 Chemistry with Answers have been prepared based on the latest CBSE and NCERT syllabus and examination guidelines for Class 11 Chemistry. The following MCQs can help you to practice and get better marks in the upcoming class 11 Chemistry examination
Chapter 5 States of Matter MCQ with Answers Class 11 Chemistry
MCQ Questions Class 11 Chemistry States of Matter provided below have been prepared by expert teachers of grade 11. These objective questions with solutions are expected to come in the upcoming Standard 11 examinations. Learn the below provided MCQ questions to get better marks in examinations.
Question. The first order diffraction of X-rays from a certain set of crystal planes occur at an angle of 11.8° rom the planes. If the planes are 0.281 nm apart, what is the wavelength of X-rays?
(a) 0.281 nm
(b) 0.2044 nm
(c) 0.1149 nm
(d) 0.1180 nm
Question. A bubble of gas released at the bottom of a lake increases to eight times its original volume when it reaches the surface.Assuming that atmospheric pressure is equivalent to the pressure exerted by a column of water 10 m high, what is the depth of the lake?
(a) 90 m
(b) 10 m
(c) 70 m
(d) 80 m
Question. In a face centred cubic lattice, atom A occupies the corner positions and atom B occupies the face centre positions. If one atom of B is missing from one of the face centred points, the formula of the compound is
(a) A2 B
(b) AB2
(c) A2 B2
(d) A2 B5
Question. The behaviour of a real gas is usually depicted by plotting compression factor (Z ) versus p at a constant temperature. At low temperature and low pressure, Z is usually less than one. This fact can be explained by van der Waals’ equation when
(a) the constant a is negligible and not b
(b) the constant b is negligible and not a
(c) both the constant a and b are negligible
(d) both the constant a and b are not negligible
Question. Equal weights of ethane and hydrogen are mixed in an empty container at 25°C. The fraction of the total pressure exerted by hydrogen is
(a) 1 : 2
(b) 1 : 1
(c) 1 : 16
(d) 15 : 16
Question. What are the relative rates of diffusion for 235 UF6 and 238 UF6?
(a) 1.0043
(b) 2.540
(c) 1.503
(d) 1.119
Question. Assuming the same pressure in each case, what is the mass of hydrogen required to inflate a balloon to a certain volumeV at 100°C, if 3.5 g helium is required to inflate the balloon to half the volumeV at 25°C?
(a) 3.8 g
(b) 2.8 g
(c) 4.2 g
(d) 4.0 g
Question. Calcium crystallises in a face centred cubic unit cell with a = 0.556nm. Calculate the density, if it ontained 0.1% Schottky defects.
(a) 1.5463 g / cm3
(b) 1.4962 g / cm3
(c) 1.5448 g / cm3
(d) 1.5943 g / cm3
Question. In diamond, the coordination number of carbon is
(a) four and its unit cell has eight carbon atoms
(b) four and its unit cell has six carbon atoms
(c) six and its unit cell has four carbon atoms
(d) four and its unit cell has four carbon atoms
Question. Helium atom is two times heavier than a hydrogen molecule at 298 K. The average kinetic energy of helium is
(a) two times that of hydrogen molecule
(b) same as that of hydrogen molecule
(c) four times that of hydrogen molecule
(d) half that of hydrogen molecule
Question. At what temperature, the rms velocity of SO2 be same as that of O2 at 303 K?
(a) 273 K
(b) 606 K
(c) 303 K
(d) 403 K
Question. To an evacuated vessel with movable piston under external pressure of 1 atm, 0.1 mole of He and 1.0 mole of an unknown compound (vapour pressure 0.68 atm at 0°C) are ntroduced.
Considering the ideal gas behaviour, the total volume (in litre) of the gases at 0°C is close to
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 7
(d) 9
Question. The ratio between the root mean square velocity of H2 at 50 K and that of O2 at 800 K is
(a) 4
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) 1/4
Question. As the temperature is raised from 20°C to 40°C, the average kinetic energy of neon atoms changes by a factor of which of the following?
(a) 1/2
(b) √313/293
(c) 313/293
(d) 2
Question. The compressibility of a gas is less than unity at STP. Therefore,
(a) Vm > 22.4 L
(b) Vm < 22.4 L
(c) Vm = 22.4 L
(d) Vm = 44.8 L
Question. a and b are van der Waals’ constants for gases. Chlorine is more easily liquefied than ethane because
(a) a and b for Cl2 > a and b for C2 H6
(b) a and b for Cl2 < a and b for C2 H6
(c) a for Cl2 < a for C2 H6 but b for Cl2 > b for C2 H6
(d) a for Cl2 > a for C2 H6 but b for Cl2 < b for C2 H6
Question. The number of hexagonal faces that are present in truncated octahedron is
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 8
Question. Lithium forms body centred cubic structure. The length of the side of its unit cell is 351 pm. Atomic radius of the lithium will be
(a) 75 pm
(b) 300 pm
(c) 240 pm
(d) 152 pm
vIn a spinel structure, oxide ions are cubical closed packed whereas 1/8th of tetrahedral voids are occupied by A ions and 1/2 of octahedral voids are occupied by B ions. The charge present on A and B ions will be
(a) A2+ , B3+
(b) A3+ , B2+
(c) A4+ , B2−
(d) A−1 , B2−
Question. At 100°C and 1 atm, if the density of liquid water is 1.0 g cm −3 and that of water vapour is 0.0006 g cm −3, the volume occupied by water molecules in 1 L of steam at that temperature is
(a) 6 cm3
(b) 60 cm3
(c) 0.6 cm3
(d) 0.06 cm3
Question. CsCl crystallises in body centred cubic lattice.If ‘a’ its edge length, then which of the following expressions is correct?
(a) rCs+ + ra− = 3a
(b) rCs+ + ra− = 3a/2
(c) rCs+ + ra− = √3/2 a
(d) rCs+ + ra− = √3a
vIf10−4 dm3 of water is introduced into a 1.0 dm3 flask at 300 K, how many moles of water are in the vapour phase when equilibrium is established?
(Given, vapour pressure of H2O at 300 K is 3170 Pa; R = 8.314 JK−1mol–1)
(a) 5.56 × 10−3 mol
(b) 1.53 × 10−2 mol
(c) 4.46 × 10−2 mol
(d) 1.27 × 10−3 mol
Question. The compressibility factor for a real gas at high pressure is
(a) 1 + RT/pb
(b) 1
(c) 1 + pb/RT
(d) 1 − pb/RT
Question. To get n-type semiconductor from silicon, it should be doped with a substance with valence
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 5
Question. How many unit cells are present in a cube shaped ideal crystal of NaCl of mass 1.00 g? (Atomic mass of Na = 23, Cl = 35 5 . )
(a) 2.57 × 1021
(b) 5.14 × 1021
(c) 1.28 × 1021
(d) 1.71 × 1021
Question. Iron crystallises in a bcc system with a lattice parameter of 2.861 Å. Calculate the density of iron in the bcc system (atomic weight of Fe = 56, NA = 6.02 ×1023mol–1)
(a) 7.94 g mL −1
(b) 8.96 g mL g −1
(c) 2.78 g mL −1
(d) 6.72 g mL −1
Question. If Z is a compressibility factor, van der Waals’ equation at low pressure can be written as
(a) Z = 1+ RT/pb
(b) Z = 1− a/VRT
(c) Z = 1− pb/RT
(d) Z = 1+ pb/RT
Question. In van der Waals’ equation of state for a non-ideal gas, the term that accounts for intermolecular force is
(a) (V − b)
(b) (RT)−1
(c) {p + a/V2}
(d) RT
Question. A metal crystallises in a face centred cubic structure. If the edge length of its unit cell is ‘a’ the closest approach between two atoms in metallic crystal will be
(a) 2a
(b) 2√2a
(c) 2√a
(d) a/√2
Question. Through the two ends of a glass tube of length 200 cm HCl gas and NH3 are allowed to enter. At what distance, the white ring of ammonium chloride will first appear?
(a) 81.1 cm from HCl end
(b) 81.1 cm fromNH3 end
(c) 118.9 cm from HCl end
(d) The ring will not form
Question. At STP, 0.48 g of O2 diffused through a porous partition in 1200s. What volume of CO2 will diffuse in the same time and under the same conditions?
(a) 286.6 mL
(b) 346.7 mL
(c) 112.2 mL
(d) 224.8 mL
Question. How many unit cells are present in a cube shaped ideal crystal of NaCl of mass 1.00 g?
(a) 2.57 × 1021
(b) 5.14 × 1021
(c) 1.28 × 1021
(d) 1.71 × 1021
Question. A certain mass of the oxygen gas occupies 7 L volume under a pressure of 380 mm Hg. The volume of the same mass of the gas at standard pressure with temperature remaining constant shall be
(a) 26.60 L
(b) 54.28 L
(c) 3.5 L
(d) 7 L
Question. When 3.2 g sulphur is vaporised at 450°C and 723 mm Hg pressure, the vapours occupy a volume of 780 mL. What is the molecular formula of S vapours?
(a) S2
(b) S4
(c) S6
(d) S8
Question. Sodium metal crystallises in a body centred cubic lattice with a unit cell edge of 4 29 . A ° . The radius of sodium atom is approximately
(a) 1 86 . A°
(b) 3 22 . A°
(c) 5 72 . A°
(d) 0 93 . A°
Question. Schottky defects occur mainly in electrovalent compounds where
(a) positive ions and negative ions are of different size
(b) positive ions and negative ions are of same size
(c) positive ions are small and negative ions are big
(d) positive ions are and negative ions are small
Question. Which type of ‘defect’ has the presence of cations in the interstitial sites?
(a) Schottky defect
(b) Vacancy defect
(c) Frenkel defect
(d) Metal deficiency defect
Question. Which of the following compounds is metallic and ferromagnetic?
(a) CrO2
(b) VO2
(c) MnO2
(d) TiO2
Question. A mixture of NH3(g)and N2 H4 (g) is placed in a sealed container at 300 K. The total pressure is 0.5 atm. When the container is heated to 1200 K, both substances decompose completely according to the equations :
2NH3 (g) → N2 (g)+ 3H2 (g)
and N2H4 (g) → N2 (g) + 2H2 (g)
After decomposition, the total pressure at 1200 K is found to be 4.5 atm. What is the per cent of N2H4(g) in the original mixture? (assuming ideal behaviour)
(a) 35%
(b) 40%
(c) 75%
(d) 25%
Question. What is the difference in the density of dry air at 1 atm and 25°C and moist air with 50% relative umidity under the same condition? The vapour pressure of water at 25°C is 23.7 torr and dry air has 75.5% N2 and 24.5%O2.
(a) 0.005 kgm−3
(b) 0.007 kgm−3
(c) 0.01 kgm−3
(d) 0.05 kgm−3
Question. Experimentally, it was found that a metal oxide has formulaM0.98 O. MetalM is present asM2+ andM 3+ . It oxide fraction of the metal which exists asM3+ would be
(a) 4.08%
(b) 6.05%
(c) 5.08%
(d) 7.01%
Question. For gaseous state, if most probable speed is denoted by C* , average speed by C and mean square peed by C, then for a large number of molecules, the ratio of these speeds are :
(a) C*:C :C = 1.128 : 1.225 : 1
(b) C*:C:C = 1: 1.128 : 1.225
(c) C*:C:C = 1: 1.125 : 1.128
(d) C*:C:C = 1.225 : 1.128 : 1
Question. The intermolecular interaction that is dependent on the inverse cube of distance between the molecules is
(a) ion-ion interaction
(b) ion- dipole interaction
(c) London force
(d) hydrogen bond
Question. When a capillary tube of diameter 0.4 mm is dipped in a liquid having density 800 kgm −3, then the height of liquid in the capillary tube rises to 4 cm. The surface tension of liquid is (g = 9.8 m / s2 ).
(a) 1.6 10−2 × Nm−1
(b) 5.6 10−2 × Nm−1
(c) 6.3 10−2 × Nm−1
(d) 7.3 10−2 × Nm−1
Question. Which of the following order of root mean square speed of different gases at the same temperature is true?
(a) (μrms)H2 > (μrms)CH4 > (μrms)NH3 > (μrms)CO2
(b) (μrms)H2 < (μrms)CH4 < (μrms)NH3 < (μrms)CO2
(c) (μrms)H2 < (μrms)CH4 > (μrms)NH3 > (μrms)CO2
(d) (μrms)H2 > (μrms)CH4 < (μrms)NH3 < (μrms)CO2
Question. When a sample of gas is compressed at constant temperature from 15 atm to 6 atm, its volume hanges from 76 cm3 to 20.5 cm3. Which of the following statements are possible explanations of this behaviour?
I. The gas behaves non-ideally.
II. The gas dimerises.
III. The gas is absorbed into the vessel walls.
(a) I, II and III
(b) I and II only
(c) II and III
(d) Only I
Question. For a crystal, the angle of diffraction (2q) is 90° and the second order line has a d value of 2.28 Å. he wavelength (in Å) of X-rays used for Bragg’s diffraction is
(a) 1.612
(b) 2.00
(c) 2.28
(d) 4.00
Question. The value of compression factor, Z for critical constants is
(a) 1/2
(b) 3/4
(c) 2/3
(d) 3/8
Question. An element having an atomic radius of 0.14 nm crystallises in an fcc unit cell. What is the length of a side of the cell?
(a) 0.56 nm
(b) 0.24 nm
(c) 0.96 nm
(d) 0.4 nm
Question. If the distance between Na+ and Cl− ion in NaCl crystal is ‘a’ pm. What is the length of the cell edge?
(a) 4 a pm
(b) a /pm
(c) 2 a pm
(d) a/2pm
Question. Which of the following exists as crystals in the solid state?
(a) Iodine
(b) Silicon
(c) Sulphur
(d) Phosphorus

We hope the above multiple choice questions for Class 11 Chemistry for Chapter 5 States of Matter provided above with answers based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS are really useful for you. States of Matter is an important chapter in Class 11 as it provides very strong understanding about this topic. Students should go through the answers provided for the MCQs after they have themselves solved the questions. All MCQs have been provided with four options for the students to solve. These questions are really useful for the benefits of class 11 students. Please go through these and let us know if you have any feedback in the comments section.