MCQs for English Class 12 with Answers Chapter 1 The Last Lesson

Students of class 12 English should refer to MCQs Class 12 English The Last Lesson with answers provided here which is an important chapter in Class 12 English NCERT textbook. These Multiple Choice Questions have been prepared based on the latest CBSE and NCERT syllabus for Class 12 English. The following MCQs can help you to practice and get better marks in the upcoming class 12 english examination.

Question. Who is the writer of the lesson ‘The Last Lesson’?
A) Alphonse Daudet
B) William Douglas
C) Anees Jung
D) Louis Fischer



Question. Who is the narrator of the story ‘The Last Lesson’?
A) Vincet Daudet
B) Joe
C) Franz
D) M. Hamel



Question. Whom did Franz see drilling in the open fields?
A) French persons
B) Prussian soldiers
C) neighbours
D) village old people



Question. Where was little Franz going?
A) to bus stop
B) to play
C) to school
D) to temple



Question. Who occupied the back benches in the class?
A) teachers
B) village elders
C) weak students
D) monitors



Question. “Like little flags floating everywhere in the school-room, hung from the rod at the top of our desks.” Which poetic device is used in the above given line?
A) metaphor
B) simile
C) alliteration
D) hyperbole



Question. What did M. Hamel bring for his class on his last day in the school?
A) new pens
B) sweets
C) new notebooks
D) story books



Question. What does the last lesson taught by Hamel symbolize?
A) no more teaching of French
B) domination of Prussia
C) learning of German
D) loss of language and loss of freedom



Question. What made Franz forget M. Hamel’s ruler and crankiness?
A) police patrolling
B) strange quietness
C) bustle on the streets
D) the idea of his going away



Question. When was the new master coming?
A) today
B) tomorrow
C) two days later
D) within a week



Question. Which lesson was M. Hamel teaching?
A) The Last Lesson
B) The First Lesson
C) The second Lesson
D) The sixth Lesson



Question. What did Franz find on reaching the school?
A) students were dancing
B) students were singing
C) police patrolling
D) strange quietness



Question. For how many years did M. Hamel serve the school?
A) 20 years
B) 25 years
C) 30 years
D) 40 years



Question. Why did the villagers come to meet M. Hamel in the school?
A) to gossip
B) to say goodbye
C) to complain
D) to express gratitude



Question. What is the moral that Alphonse Daudet wants to bring out?
A) not to put off things that one can do that day
B) old order changed to new
C) one should accept everything that happens
D) teachers should be respected



Question. “Because when people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their prison.” Which poetic device is used in the above given line?
A) simile
B) metaphor
C) alliteration
D) hyperbole



Question. “What a thunderclap these words to me!” Which poetic device is used in the above given line?
A) alliteration
B) simile
C) metaphor
D) hyperbole



Question. Why was Franz surprised?
A) because of villagers
B) because of policemen
C) because of M. Hamel’s politeness
D) because of student’s behaviour



Question. What was unusual about M. Hamel’s dress?
A) wore clean clothes
B) wore a new dress
C) wore clothes he used to wear on prize days
D) wore traditional French clothes



Question. Where did little Franz see a crowd of people?
A) in the ground
B) in front of bulletin board
C) near the river
D) near the well



Question. Who was Franz’s teacher?
A) Joe
B) M. Hamel
C) Vincet Daudet
D) Anees



Question. What does ‘The Last Lesson’ symbolize?
A) Loss
B) Loss of freedom
C) Loss of language
D) Loss of language and freedom



Question. Don’t go so fast, you will get to your school in plenty of time means___
A) getting late
B) very early
C) not early
D) early enough



Question. The story ‘The Last Lesson’ highlights which human tendency?
A) Male Chauvinism
B) Procrastination
C) Courage
D) Cowardice



Question. Whom did M. Hamel blame for not sending students to school?
A) Parents
B) friends
C) teachers
D) watchman



Question. Why was Franz feeling regretful and sad?
A) for reaching late
B) for not learning participles
C) for change of the Government
D) for not learning his mother tongue



Question. Franz thinks- will they make them sing in German- even the pigeons? What could this mean?
A) German would use brutal force over everyone
B) harsh orders will be passed
C) when people are deprived of their essence even the surroundings are affected
D) the Germans will rob France of its language.



Question. From where did the orders come to teach only German in the districts of Alsace and Lorraine?
A) France
B) Lorraine
C) Berlin
D) Germany



Question. What was Franz banking on to enter the class as he was late?
A) M.Hamel’s teaching on the blackboard
B) commotion in the class
C) Hauser helping him sneak in
D) to quietly walk in when everyone was preoccupied with participles



Question. What was Franz expected to be prepared for at school that day?
A) song
B) dance
C) essay writing
D) Participles



Question. Why does Hamel blame the parents?
A) they preferred children to work in farms
B) they were not strict
C) they did not come to M. Hamel’s class
D) they did not love the French language



Question. Why does the author urge the reader to respect his language?
A) It is what makes you respect your countrymen.
B) It is the key to freedom.
C) You can express yourself.
D) It is unique and reflects literature and art.



Question. What is the moral that the Alphonse Daudet wants to bring out?
A) not to put off things that one can do that day
B) old order changed to new
C) one should accept everything that happens
D) teachers should be respected



Question. What order had come from Berlin?
A) The new teacher
B) teach German in schools of Alsace and Lorraine
C) to open a new school in Alsace and Lorraine
D) that Hamel would have to leave



Question. Why was Franz surprised?
A) Because of village elders
B) Because of police patrolling
C) because of students’ behavior
D) because of M. Hamel’s kind and polite behaviour



Question. What was M. Hamel going to question Franz about?
A) participles
B) adjectives
C) old primer
D) Ba be bi bo bu



Question. M. Hamel emerges as a ………… when he teaches his last lesson.
A) meek person
B) true patriot
C) repentant man
D) defeated the man



Question. Why was Franz reluctant to go to school?
A) wanted to enjoy warm Sunlight
B) wanted to see soldiers drill
C) wanted to enjoy outdoor
D) lesson on participles was not prepared



Question. What had been put up on the Bulletin Board that day?
A) Teach only French
B) Speak only English
C) Teach only German
D) Teach all these



Question. What made Franz and the people realize about the preciousness of their mother tongue?
A) M. Hamel’s words
B) School orders
C) Sudden orders from Berlin
D) School Principal



Question. Expression ‘Thunder Clap” in the lesson means _______.
A) loud but not clear
B) loud and clear
C) startling and unexpected
D) unpleasant



Question. What was Franz supposed to be prepared with?
A) verb
B) participles
C) nouns
D) gerunds

Question. M. Hamel’s motionless posture reflected that
A) The school is over
B) He was angry
C) He was nostalgic
D) There was a sense of finality in his actions

Question. With whom M. Hamel was staying?
A) Wife
B) Students
C) Sister
D) Franz

Question. Why would the Germans mock the people of Alsace and Lorraine according to M Hamel?
A) Because they had been defeated by the Germans
B) Because they could not read or write in French
C) Because they were being compelled to learn German
D) Because their schools would follow a different curriculum

Question. M. Hamel looked tall that day because- (analysis)
A) He was dressed in his best Sunday clothes.
B) The students for the first time realized his true worth
C) The Prussians were comparatively short
D) He tried to look his best

Question. Why was the last French Lesson understood by all the students?
A) M. Hamel taught very patiently
B) The children paid attention
C) Everyone realized the importance of mother tongue
D) All the above options are correct

Question. How does M. Hamel describe the French language?
A) It is the easiest.
B) It is the most wonderful language in the world
C) It is the clearest and most logical.
D) It is the simplest language in the world

Question. ‘But, now it was all so still’. What is ‘it’ here?
A) school activities of routine nature
B) teaching
C) student activities
D) hustle-bustle in the school

Question. “Don’t go so fast, Bub; you’ll get to your school in plenty of time”
The tone of the speaker here is:
A) Ironical
B) Sarcastic
C) Humorous
D) Angry

Question. Franz calls his school, ‘M. Hamel’s little garden’ because
A) The school was in the garden
B) The school was in the forest
C) M. Hamel himself had grown many plants and trees in the school premises.
D) M. Hamel was the Gardener to the school.

Question. M. Hamel’s walking up and down shows
(A) his changed exterior.
(B) something unexpected going to happen.
(C) his nervousness.
(D) his agitated mind

Question. Everybody looked sad’ means
(A) all were expecting a bad news.
(B) something unusual was taking place.
(C) M. Hamel was retiring.
(D) M. Hamel was not to be in the school.


Question. “M. Hamel looked ‘pale’ when the Prussians trumpeted near the window. “What does it signify?
A) M. Hamel is greatly distressed to leave teaching his own language.
B) M. Hamel will lose his freedom.
C) He wouldn’t keep his culture and heritage.
D) He would leave the country next day.



Question. ‘There was usually great bustle and noise when school began, but it was all very quiet.’ Which of the following describes Franz’ emotions most accurately?
A) shock and awe
B) disappointment and anxiety
C) confusion and distress
D) curiosity and uncertainty



Question. What is one of the messages that we get from ‘The Last Lesson’?
A) The importance of education
B) The importance of learning one’s mother tongue
C) The importance of good teachers
D) The importance of being disciplined



Question. “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” What does this mean?-
A) It means that pigeons in Alsace and Lorraine would now have to learn German
B) Language is inherent to culture and identity and it cannot be imposed or erased
C) It shows the future plans of the Germans
D) It is just the imagination of an innocent boy.



Question. What was the mood of the students in the classroom during the last lesson?
A) Optimistic and cheerful
B) Sad, nostalgic but full of patriotism
C) Sad, full of regret and patriotism
D) Sad but hopeful



Question. Which of the following conditions Franz was expecting on reaching the class?
A) M. Hamel sending them to water his garden
B) M. Hamel in his beautiful green coat
C) The regular commotion in the class
D) The students silently listening to the teacher



Question. Why was Franz embarrassed while entering the class?
A) He was not wearing the proper uniform
B) He was late
C) He did not do his homework
D) The teacher rebuked him



Question. What was put up on the bulletin board?
A) Students would have to study French
B) Schools would be closed
C) Students would have to study German
D) Prussia lost the war



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