Exam Question for Class 10 Social Science Chapter 3 The Making of a Global World
Please refer to below Exam Question for Class 10 Social Science Chapter 3 The Making of a Global World. These questions and answers have been prepared by expert Class 10 Social Science teachers based on the latest NCERT Book for Class 10 Social Science and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. We have provided Class 10 Social Science exam questions for all chapters in your textbooks. You will be able to easily learn problems and solutions which are expected to come in the upcoming class tests and exams for standard 10th.
Chapter 3 The Making of a Global World Class 10 Social Science Exam Question
All questions and answers provided below for Exam Question Class 10 Social Science Chapter 3 The Making of a Global World are very important and should be revised daily.
Exam Question Class 10 Social Science Chapter 3 The Making of a Global World
Objective Type Questions
Question. About how many per cent of the world’s 1939 population are believed to have been killed during the Second World War?
(a) 2 per cent
(b) 3 per cent
(c) 4 per cent
(d) 5 per cent
Answer : (b) 3 per cent
Question. Around 3000 BCE an active coastal trade linked the which of the following civilisations?
(a) Indus valley
(b) China valley
(c) Egyptian valley
(d) Puga valley
Answer : (a) Indus valley
Question. In which of the following years was the system of indentured labour abolished?
(a) 1920
(b) 1921
(c) 1922
(d) 1923
Answer : (b) 1921
Question. The First World War took place between:
(a) 1912-1916
(b) 1914-1918
(c) 1916-1920
(d) 1918-1922
Answer : (b) 1914-1918
Question. The United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held in …………. at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire, USA.
(a) July 1944
(b) August 1945
(c) March 1947
(d) December 1949
Answer : (a) July 1944
Question. Which one of the following was not an allies in the First World War?
(a) Britain
(b) France
(c) Russia
(d) Germany
Answer : (d) Germany
Question. Nearly 50 million people emigrated from which of following continents to America and Australia in the nineteenth century?
(a) Africa
(b) Europe
(c) Asia
(d) Greenland
Answer : (b) Europe
Question. Noodles travelled west from ______________ to become spaghetti.
Answer : China
Question. ______________ emerged from eastern India and spread in several directions through intersecting points on the silk routes.
Answer : Buddhism
Question. State whether the following statements are true or false
Henry Ford adapted the assembly line of a Chicago slaughterhouse to his new car plant in Massachusetts.
Answer : False
Question. State whether the following statements are true or false
Perhaps British traders took pasta to fifth-century Sicily.
Answer : False
Question. Correct the following statements and rewrite
In 1780 the big European powers met in Berlin to complete the carving up of Africa between them.
Answer : In 1885, the big European powers met in Berlin to complete the carving up of Africa between them.
Question. Match the following
(i) Great Irish Potato Famine (a) The first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
(ii) El Dorado (b) The fabled city of gold
(iii) Smallpox (c) Biological warfare
(iv) John Winthrop (d) 1845 to 1849
Answer : (i)–(d), (ii)–(b), (iii)– (c), (iv)–(a)
Question. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option:
Assertion (A): The pre-modern world shrank greatly in the 16th century.
Reason (R): European sailors found a sea route to Asia and also successfully crossed the Western Ocean to America.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
Answer : (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question. Which disease proved a deadly killer for America’s original inhabitants? How did its germs help Europeans in their conquest of America?
Answer : Smallpox. It proved a deadly killer. Once introduced it spread deep into the continent. It killed and decimated whole communities, paving the way for conquest.
Question. How did Rinderpest reach Africa?
Answer : It was carried by infected cattle imported from British Asia to feed the Italian soldiers invading Eritrea in East Africa. Entering Africa in the east, it moved west like the forest fire.
Question. What price in India fell by 50 per cent between 1928 and 1934?
Answer : Peasants indebtedness increased and started selling their land, jewellery and precious metals.
Question. Name the axis and allies powers
Answer : Axis powers—Germany, Japan and Italy.
Allied powers—France, Soviet Union, US and Britain.
Question. What goods were exported and imported from silk routes?
Answer : Chinese pottery, textiles and spices from India were exported to South East Asia and precious metals like gold and silver, flowed from Europe to Asia.
Question. What do you mean by G-77?
Answer : Most developing countries did not benefit from the fast growth of western economies in the 1950s and 1960s.
They organised themselves as a group G-77 or the group of 77 to demand a new international order.
Question. How did dependency on potatoes kill the poorest peasants of Ireland?
How could the new crops make the differences between life and death?
Answer : Poor people in Europe began to eat better and live longer with the introduction of the humble potato. Ireland’s poorest peasants became so dependent on potatoes that when disease destroyed the potato crops in the mid 1840s, hundreds of thousands died of starvation.
Question. What was the Law of Inheritance?
Answer : It means only one member of the family was allowed to inherit land and the others were pushed into the labour market.
Question. Name the famous products of China which captured the world’s market.
Answer : They are televisions, mobile phones and toys.
Question. How did British manage opium trade with China?
Answer : British grew opium in India and exported it to China and with the money earned through this sale, it financed its tea and other imports from China.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question. How did Henry Ford recover the workers?
Answer : Henry Ford doubled the daily wages to $ 5 in January 1914.
(i) He banned trade unions from operating in his plants.
(ii) He recovered the huge wage by repeatedly speeding up the production line and forcing workers to work even harder.
(iii) He soon described his decision to double the daily wage as the ‘best cost cutting decision’.
Question. What was the estimated loss of the Second World War?
Answer : Death and destruction was enormous.
(i) Vast parts of Europe and Asia were devasted.
(ii) Several cities were destroyed by aerial bombardment and military attacks.
(iii) At least 60 million people died and millions were injured.
Question. Why were poor people forced to work as indentured labourers?
Answer : In many Indian states, people worked as indentured labourers because–
(i) Cottage industries declined.
(ii) Land rent rose.
(iii) Lands were cleared for mines and plantations.
(iv) Poor people failed to pay their rents.
(v) Poor people become deeply indebted so they migrated in search of jobs.
Question. Why did the inflow of fine Indian cotton began to decline?
Answer : Shikaripuri Shroffs and Nattu Kottai Chettiar were among the many group of bankers and traders who financed export agriculture in Central and South East Asia, using their own funds or the borrowed money from European banks.
(i) They had a good system to transfer money over large distance and even developed their own corporate organisations.
(ii) Hyderabadi Sindi traders ventured beyond European colonies.
(iii) They had established emporia at busy ports, selling local and imported artifacts to tourists.
Question. What did the economists mean by ‘mass productions, mass consumption’?
Answer : The economists believed that an industrial society based on mass production could not be sustained without mass consumption.
(i) But to ensure mass consumption, there was a need for high and stable incomes.
(ii) Stable incomes requires steady, full employment. Therefore, governments would have to step into minimize influctuations of price, output and employment.
(iii) The goal of full employment could only be achieved, if government had power to control flows of goods, capital and labour.
Question. How did Britain have a ‘trade surplus’ with India?
Answer : Trade Surplus. If a country exports a greater value than its imports, it has a favourable balance. It represents a net inflow of domestic currency from foreign markets.
The British manufactures flooded the Indian market. Food grains and raw material exports from India to Britain and the rest of the world increased.
(i) The value of British exports to India was much higher than the value of British imports from India.
(ii) So Britain used this surplus to balance its trade deficits with other countries from which Britain was importing more than it was selling to.
Question. Why did thousands of people flee from Europe to America?
State three reasons why Europeans fled to America in the 19th century.
Answer : Because:
(i) Until the 19th century poverty and hunger was common in Europe.
(ii) Cities were overcrowded and deadly diseases were widespread.
(iii) Religious conflicts were common and religious dissenters were persecuted. Thousands fled Europe for America to work in plantations to grow cotton and sugar for European markets.
Question. How were jute producers of Bengal affected by economic crises?
Answer : (i) The jute producers of Bengal grew raw jute that was processed in factories for export in the form of gunny bags.
(ii) But as gunny exports collapsed, the price of raw jute crashed more than 60%.
(iii) Peasants who borrowed in the hope of better times or to increase output in the hope of higher incomes faced even lower prices. They fell deeper and deeper into debt.
Question. What are MNCs? Why did China become attractive destination for MNCs?
Answer : Multinational Corporations (MNCs) are large companies that operate in several countries at the same time. Wages were low in countries like China. So because of the low-cost structure of the Chinese economy helps in competing to capture world’s market. So most of the MNCs attracted towards Chinese markets.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question. Describe the impact of the First World war on Indian industries.
Answer : The First World War created a dramatically new situation for the Indian industries.
(i) With the British mills busy with war production to meet the needs of the army, Manchester imports into India declined.
(ii) Indian mills had a vast home market to supply.
(iii) As the war prolonged Indian industries were called upon to supply war needs like, jute bags, cloth for army uniforms, etc
(iv) New factories were set up and old ones ran multiple shifts.
(v) Many new workers were employed and everyone worked for longer hours.
(vi) Over the war years industrial production boomed.
(vii) Manchester could never recapture its old position in the Indian market.
(viii) Cotton production collapsed and exports of cotton cloth from Britain fell dramatically. Local industries consolidated their position capturing the home market.
Question. What is meant by the Bretton Woods Agreement? Explain it.
Answer : (i) In order to preserve economic stability and full employment in the industrial world, the postwar international economic system was established. To execute the same, the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference was held in July 1944 at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire, USA.
(ii) The Bretton Woods Conference established the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to deal with external surpluses and shortages of its member-nations.
(iii) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (popularly known as the World Bank) was set up to finance post-war reconstruction and they started the financial operations in 1947.
(iv) Decision-making authority was given to the Western industrial powers. The US was given the right of veto over key IMF and the World Bank decisions.
(v) The Bretton Woods system was based on fixed exchange rates. The Bretton Woods system opened an era of unique growth of trade and incomes for the Western industrial nations and Japan. The World trade grew annually.
Question. Describe the condition of indentured labour that migrated from India during the nineteenth century.
Answer : The condition of indentured labour that migrated from India during the nineteenth century:
(i) Nineteenth-century indenture has been described as a ‘new system of slavery’. Recruitment was done by agents engaged by employers and paid a small commission.
(ii) Many migrants agreed to take up work hoping to escape poverty or oppression in their home villages. Agents also tempted the prospective migrants by providing false information about final destinations, modes of travel, the nature of the work, and living and working conditions.
(iii) Often migrants were not even told that they were to embark on a long sea voyage. Sometimes agents even forcibly abducted less willing migrants.
(iv) On arrival at the plantations, labourers found conditions to be different from what they had imagined. Living and working conditions were harsh, and there were few legal rights.
(v) But workers discovered their own ways of surviving. Many of them escaped into the wilds, though if caught they faced severe punishment. Others developed new forms of individual and collective self-expression, blending different cultural forms, old and new.
Question. “One important feature of the US economy in the 1920s was mass productions.” Prove this with an example.
Answer : A well known pioneer of mass production was the car manufacturer ‘Henry Ford’.
(i) He adopted an assembly line technique of a slaughter house.
(ii) He realised that the assembly line method would allow faster and cheaper way of producing vehicles.
(iii) This method forced workers to repeat a single task mechanically and continuously.
(iv) This was a way of increasing the output per workers by speeding up the pace of work.
(v) Later on, this system of mass production was followed by many other countries. In the US, with this system car production rose from two millions to above five millions.
Question. Why were the Europeans attracted towards Africa in the 19th century?
What were the main reasons for the attraction of Europeans to Africa?
Answer : (i) Africa had abundant land and a relatively small population. For centuries, land and livestock sustained African livelihoods and people rarely worked for a wage.
(ii) In the late-nineteenth century Africa there were a few consumer goods that wages could buy. Europeans got attracted to Africa due to its vast resources of land and minerals.
(iii) They came to Africa hoping to establish plantations and mines to produce crops and minerals for export to Europe. But there was an unexpected problem—a shortage of labour. Africans had no reason to work for wages and this posed a problem to Europeans.
Question. Describe the effects of abolishing the ‘Corn Laws’.
Explain three far reaching effects of the abolition of the Corn Laws.
Answer : (i) Britain began to import food grains from rest of the world. British agriculture was unable to compete with imports.
(ii) Vast areas of land were now left uncultivated.
(iii) Thousands of men and women were thrown out of work. They started migrating of cities.
(iv) Food prices fell and consumption in Britain rose.
(v) Other countries: Russia, America and Australia sent food grains to meet the British demand.
(vi) They required railways to link the ports.
Question. ‘Nineteenth century indenture has been described as a ‘new system of slavery’. Elucidate with examples.
Why have the historians described the 19th century indenture as a new system of slavery. Explain five reasons.
Answer : Indentured labourers were hired under contracts which promised return travel to India after they had worked for five years on their employer’s plantations.
(i) Agents also attracted the migrants by providing false information like their final destinations, mode of travel, nature of work, living and working conditions.
(ii) Often the migrants were not even told that they were to travel on a long sea voyage.
(iii) Sometimes agents forcibly employed less willing migrants.
(iv) On arrival at the plantations, labourers found conditions to be different from what they had imagined.
(v) Living and working conditions were harsh and there were a few legal rights.
Question. Describe the impact of Great Depression on Indian economy.
Answer : Great Depression began in 1929 and lasted till mid-1930s. During this period, most parts of the world experienced declines in production, employment, incomes and trade.
The impact of Great Depression on Indian Economy:
(i) India’s exports and imports nearly halved between 1928 and1934.
(ii) As agricultural prices fell sharply internationally as a result of this prices plunged in India.
(iii) Despite of this, the colonial government refused to reduce revenue demands.
(iv) Peasants’ indebtedness increased. They used up their savings, mortgaged lands and sold their jewellery and precious metals.
(v) India became exporter of metal
(vi) Town dwellers found themselves better off
(vii) Industrial investment grew
Case Based Questions
Question. Read the source given below and answer the questions by choosing the most appropriate option.
The First World War, as you know, was fought between two power blocs. On the one side were the Allies – Britain, France and Russia (later joined by the US); and on the opposite side were the Central Powers – Germany, Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Turkey. When the war began in August 1914, many governments thought it would be over by Christmas. It lasted more than four years. The First World War was a war like no other before. The fighting involved the world’s leading industrial nations which now harnessed the vast powers of modern industry to inflict the greatest possible destruction on their enemies.
(i) When was the First World War fought?
(a) 1918–1922
(b) 1939–1945
(c) 1914–1918
(d) 1910–1914
Answer : (c) 1914–1918
(ii) Which among the following were considered as Allies powers?
(a) Germany, Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Turkey
(b) Japan, France and Britain
(c) Austria-Hungary, Russia and France
(d) Britain, France and Russia
Answer : (d) Britain, France and Russia
(iii) Name the countries that were not included in central power.
Answer : Japan
(iv) From which country did Britain borrow large sums of money during the First World War?
Answer : USA