MCQs for English Class 10 with Answers Chapter 10 The Sermon at Benares
Students of class 10 English should refer to MCQ Questions Class 10 English The Sermon at Benares with answers provided here which is an important chapter in Class 10 English NCERT textbook. These MCQ for Class 10 English with Answers have been prepared based on the latest CBSE and NCERT syllabus and examination guidelines for Class 10 English. The following MCQs can help you to practice and get better marks in the upcoming class 10 English examination
Chapter 10 The Sermon at Benares MCQ with Answers Class 10 English
MCQ Questions Class 10 English The Sermon at Benares provided below have been prepared by expert teachers of grade 10. These objective questions with solutions are expected to come in the upcoming Standard 10 examinations. Learn the below provided MCQ questions to get better marks in examinations.
Question. How did Kisa feel at first on being unable to find such seeds?
(a) Weary
(b) Hopeless
(c) Motivated
(d) Both A and B
Question. Where did he vow to stay until his enlightenment came?
(a) His palace
(b) Under peepal tree
(c) Under banyan tree
(d) Under a tree
Question. What moved him to seek out enlightenment?
(a) A sick man
(b) An aged man
(c) A monk begging
(d) All of the above
Question. Both young and adults, fools and wise fall into the power of _____
(a) life
(b) death
(c) food
(d) all of these
Question. Which seed did Buddha ask Kisa to bring?
(a) Pumpkin seeds
(b) Mustard seeds
(c) Sunflower seeds
(d) Seesame seeds
Extract Based Questions :
1. Read the given extracts to attempt the questions that follow:
Gautama Buddha (563 B.C.–483 B.C.) began life as a prince named Siddhartha Gautama, in northern India. At twelve, he was sent away for schooling in the Hindu sacred scriptures and four years later he returned home to marry a princess. They had a son and lived for ten years as befitted royalty. At about the age of twenty-five, the Prince, heretofore shielded from the sufferings of the world, while out hunting chanced upon a sick man, then an aged man, then a funeral procession, and finally a monk begging for alms. These sights so moved him that he at once went out into the world to seek enlightenment concerning the sorrows he had witnessed.
Question. The extract uses the phrase, ‘befitted royalty’. Which of the following expressions is INCORRECT with respect to the word ‘befitted’?

(a) Option 1
(b) Option 2
(c) Option 3
(d) Option 4
Question. At about the age of twenty-five, the prince chanced to:
(a) see a leper
(b) see a sick man
(c) meet a business man
(d) meet a learned man
Question. What do you think led Siddhartha to leave all his royalty behind?
(a) His marriage to a princess
(b) Influence of Hindu sacred scriptures
(c) Shielding of royals from all the unpleasant experiences of the world
(d) His attachment with his wife and son.
Question. When did the prince come in contact with the sufferings of the world?
(a) When he went for hunting.
(b) When he was sent for schooling.
(c) When he joined the royal army.
(d) When he was married.
Question. Pick the option that correctly classifies fact/s (F) and opinion/s (O) of the students below.

(a) F – 2, 3 and O – 1, 4
(b) F – 1, 3 and O – 2, 4
(c) F – 2, 4 and O – 1, 3
(d) F – 1, 4 and O – 2, 3
2. Read the given extracts to attempt the questions that follow:
“Not from weeping nor from grieving will anyone obtain peace of mind; on the contrary, his pain will be the greater and his body will suffer. He will make himself sick and pale, yet the dead are not saved by his lamentation. He who seeks peace should draw out the arrow of lamentation, and complaint, and grief. He who has drawn out the arrow and has become composed will obtain peace of mind; he who has overcome all sorrow will become free from sorrow, and be blessed.”
Question. Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are NOT TRUE according to the given extract.
1. In order to obtain peace of mind, one should not grieve even in hard time.
2. The event that is bound to happen will happen certainly.
3. When we weep and grieve over any tragedy, it lessens the intensity of our pain and suffering.
4. Sorrow and grief is the way that leads to the path of salvation.
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 3 and 4
(d) 1 and 4
Question. Who will become free from sorrow and be blessed?
(a) One who is enjoying peace.
(b) One who is suffering sorrow.
(c) One who is grieving over loss.
(d) One who is not careful about life.
Question. According to Lord Buddha, which of these is correct in case of one’s near and dear ones pass away?
(a) One should lament.
(b) One should repent.
(c) One should not grieve, weep or be miserable.
(d) One should be happy.
Question. The extract uses the phrase, ‘arrow of lamentation’. Which of the following expressions is INCORRECT with respect to the word ‘lamentation’?

(a) Option (1)
(b) Option (2)
(c) Option (3)
(d) Option (4)
Question. Pick the option that correctly classifies fact/s (F) and opinion/s (O) of the students below.

(a) F – 1, 3 and O – 2, 4
(b) F – 2, 3 and O – 1, 4
(c) F – 2, 4 and O – 1, 3
(d) F – 1, 4 and O – 2, 3
3. Read the given extracts to attempt the questions that follow:
Kisa Gotami became weary and hopeless, and sat down at the wayside watching the lights of the city, as they flickered up and were extinguished again. At last the darkness of the night reigned everywhere. And she considered the fate of men, that their lives flicker up and are extinguished again. And she thought to herself, “How selfish am I in my grief! Death is common to all; yet in this valley of desolation there is a path that leads him to immortality who has surrendered all selfishness.”
Question. Pick the option that correctly classifies fact/s (F) and opinion/s (O) of the students below.

(a) F – 1, 2 and O – 3, 4
(b) F – 1, 3 and O – 2, 4
(c) F – 2, 3 and O – 1, 4
(d) F – 3, 4 and O – 1, 2.
Question. The extract uses the phrase, ‘reigned everywhere’. Which of the following expressions is INCORRECT with respect to the word ‘reigned’?

(a) Option (1)
(b) Option (2)
(c) Option (3)
(d) Option (4)
Question. What did Kisa Gotami learn from the lights of the city?
(a) About city life
(b) The fate of men
(c) The darkness of city
(d) The importance of life
Question. Choose the statement that is NOT TRUE according to the extract.
(a) Men are mortal.
(b) Kisa Gotami’s hope never lost.
(c) Man’s fate is like the lights that flicker repeatedly and extinguish.
(d) Gotami was stubborn and decided to take mustard seeds at all costs.
Question. How did Kisa Gotami behave in her grief?
(a) As a proud being
(b) As a brave being
(c) As a selfish being
(d) As a prudent being