MCQs for English Class 10 with Answers Chapter 4 Amanda!
Students of class 10 English should refer to MCQ Questions Class 10 English Amanda! with answers provided here which is an important chapter in Class 10 English NCERT textbook. These MCQ for Class 10 English with Answers have been prepared based on the latest CBSE and NCERT syllabus and examination guidelines for Class 10 English. The following MCQs can help you to practice and get better marks in the upcoming class 10 English examination
Chapter 4 Amanda! MCQ with Answers Class 10 English
MCQ Questions Class 10 English Amanda! provided below have been prepared by expert teachers of grade 10. These objective questions with solutions are expected to come in the upcoming Standard 10 examinations. Learn the below provided MCQ questions to get better marks in examinations.
Question. Name the literary devices used in the line “Stop that slouching and sit up straight.”
(a) Anaphora
(b) Assonance
(c) Metaphor
(d) Alliteration
Question. What is the meaning of ‘slouching’?
(a) bend
(b) sit in a lazy way
(c) lie down
(d) bend backwards
Question. What will Amanda’s behaviour make people think?
(a) Her mother loves her.
(b) Her mother harasses her.
(c) Her mother is understanding her.
(d) Both (a) and (c)
Question. If Amanda is an orphan, what will she do?
(a) She will roam about in the streets.
(b) She will tease everyone in the streets.
(c) She will not complete her homework.
(d) All of the above
Question. What made Amanda sulky and become moody?
(a) When she had to complete her homework.
(b) When her mother gives her too many instructions.
(c) When she has to clean her shoes.
(d) None of the above
Extract Based Questions :
1. Read the given extracts to attempt the questions that follow:
Don’t bite your nails, Amanda!
Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda!
Stop that slouching and sit up straight,
Question. What does the repetition of “Amanda!” at the end of each line reflect?
(a) It describes who the speaker is talking to.
(b) It represents the absent-mindedness of the listener.
(c) It shows the frustration of the speaker.
(d) It helps create a rhyme scheme.
Question. The purpose of the speaker’s words in the given extract is to
(a) show the speaker’s power over the listener.
(b) make the listener a better human being.
(c) advise the listener as an elder.
(d) improve the listener’s posture and habits.
Question. Pick the option that lists the image which correctly corresponds to the speaker’s mood in the extract.

(a) Image (1)
(b) Image (2)
(c) Image (3)
(d) Image (4)
Question. Select the option that fits with the following:
slouching : straight:: ______ : _______
(a) transparent: translucent
(b) lazy: agile
(c) forgetful: lively
(d) generous: liberal
Question. Alliteration is a literary device used in the extract.
Which of the following options DOES NOT include examples of this literary device?
(a) The moon and the shimmering stars watched over us
(b) With that charming chat, Catherine chose comfort
(c) Away ran the pathetic pooch pouting like a princess
(d) Dee dee was driving down day after day
2. Read the given extracts to attempt the questions that follow:
Don’t eat that chocolate, Amanda!
Remember your acne, Amanda!
Will you please look at me when I’m speaking to you, Amanda!
(a am Rapunzel, I have not a care,
life in a tower is tranquil and rare;
I’ll certainly never let down my bright hair!)
Question. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
(a) Amanda’s mother is concerned about Amanda.
(b) Amanda’s mother expects obedience from Amanda.
(c) Amanda feels that her mother is nagging her.
(d) Amanda’s mother is causing harm to Amanda.
Question. Amanda’s mother asks Amanda not to eat the chocolate. This shows that she
(a) wants Amanda not to enjoy the chocolate.
(b) is concerned about the acne on Amanda’s face.
(c) wants to always nag Amanda.
(d) herself does not enjoy eating chocolates.
Question. Amanda imagines herself as Rapunzel. This is because
(a) She likes witches.
(b) She likes to sport long hair.
(c) She likes to be left alone in peace.
(d) She likes danger.
Question. What is Amanda’s attitude about her mother?
(a) Amanda feels her mother loves her.
(b) Amanda feels that her mother always nags her.
(c) Amanda feels her mother has confidence in her.
(d) Amanda wants her mother to take care of her.
Question. Who is the person speaking to Amanda in the above lines?
(a) Amanda’s father
(b) Amanda’s mother
(c) Amanda’s sister
(d) Amanda’s friend
3. Read the given extracts to attempt the questions that follow:
Did you finish your homework, Amanda?
Did you tidy your room, Amanda?
I thought I told you to clean your shoes, Amanda!
(a am an orphan, roaming the street.
I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet.
The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.)
Question. Amanda is a
(a) toddler
(b) school-going girl
(c) college-going girl
(d) none of these
Question. Which of these is a thing that Amanda does NOT like?
(a) Silence
(b) Freedom
(c) Leisure
(d) Feverish activity
Question. The above lines show that Amanda loves a
(a) Busy life
(b) Life full of comforts
(c) Simple, peaceful life
(d) Life full of concern
Question. Some of the similar jobs given to Amanda by her mother could be
(a) making her bed
(b) eating her breakfast
(c) brushing her teeth
(d) All of these.
Question. Why does Amanda want to think of herself as an orphan?
(a) She would not have a mother to nag her.
(b) She does not like her father.
(c) She does not want love.
(d) None of these.