MCQs for Social Science Class 9 with Answers Chapter 3 Electoral Politics
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This Class 9 Electoral Politics MCQ assists you with revising the complete chapter in minutes. One of the best tips suggested by teachers is revising the notes during exam time.
Students of class 9 Social Science should refer to MCQ Questions Class 9 Social Science Electoral Politics with answers provided here which is an important chapter in Class 9 Social Science NCERT textbook. These MCQ for Class 9 Social Science with Answers have been prepared based on the latest CBSE and NCERT syllabus and examination guidelines for Class 9 Social Science. The following MCQs can help you to practice and get better marks in the upcoming class 9 Social Science examination
Chapter 3 Electoral Politics MCQ with Answers Class 9 Social Science
MCQ Questions Class 9 Social Science Electoral Politics provided below have been prepared by expert teachers of grade 9. These objective questions with solutions are expected to come in the upcoming Standard 9 examinations. Learn the below provided MCQ questions to get better marks in examinations.
Question. Which of these is not a feature of Indian democracy?
(a) India has the largest number of voters in the world
(b) India’s Election Commission is very powerful
(c) In India, everyone above the age of 18 has a right to vote
(d) ) In India, the losing parties refuse to accept the electoral verdict
Question. Who led the „Nyaya Yudh‟?
(a) Chaudhary Charan Singh
(b) Chaudhary Devi Lal
(c) Ajit Singh
(d) None of these
Question. What was the promise Devi Lal made to the farmers and small businessmen?
(a) He would waive the loans of farmers and small businessmen
(b) He would lessen the rate of interest on their loans
(c) He would modernise agriculture
(d) He would provide free seeds and pesticides to them
Question. Which of the options below is the demerits of the electoral competition?
(a) Creates a sense of factionalism
(b) Parties use dirty tricks to win elections
(c) Parties respect each other
(d) both (a) and (b)
Question. India, elections for which of these bodies are held after every five years?
(a) Rajya Sabha
(b) Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha
(c) Vidhan Parishad
(d) Only Lok Sabha
Question. The number of Lok Sabha constituencies at present is
(a) 541
(b) 546
(c) 543
(d) 540
Question. Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of India?
(a) The Chief Justice of India
(b)The Prime Minister of India
(c) The President of India
(d) The people of India
Question. Elections held after the term of 5 years of Lok Sabha are called-
(a) Mid-term elections
(b) General elections
(c) By-elections
(d) Special elections
Question. Which of these is not a condition of a democratic election?
(a) Everyone is allowed to vote
(b) There are political parties to contest elections
(c) The candidate not preferred by people gets elected
(d) Elections are held at regular intervals
Question. What is meant by the term „constituency‟?
(a) Place where the copy of constitution is kept
(b) A particular area from where voters elect a representative to the Lok Sabha / Vidhan Sabha
(c) A body of voters
(d) None of the above
Question. What is an election held for only one constituency to fill the vacancy caused due to the death or resignation of a member called?
(a) By-election
(b) Mid-term election
(c) General election
(d) None of these
Question. How many seats are reserved in Lok Sabha for the Scheduled Tribes?
(a) 40
(b) 41
(c) 51
(d) 71
Question. Which of these is not a part of the district and local level bodies?
(a) Panchayats
(b) Municipalities
(c) Corporations
(d) Lok Sabha
Question. Which of the options given below is applicable to the principle of Universal Adult Franchise?
(a) Only rich and educated can vote
(b) Only men can vote
(c) All citizens aged 18 and above can vote
(d) only employed people can vote
Question. for voting, the voter has to show which of these as identity proof?
(a) Ration card
(b) Driving license
(c) Election Photo Identity Card
(d) None of these
Question. Into how many constituencies is the country divided for Lok Sabha elections?
(a) 544
(b) 543
(c) 560
(d) 535
Question. Constituencies called „wards‟ are made for the election to
(a) Parliament
(b) State Legislative Assembly
(c) State Legislative Council
(d) Panchayats and municipal bodies
Question. What is the minimum age reuired to contest an election to Lok Sabha?
(a) 20 years
(b) 18 years
(c) 25 years
(d) 30 years
Question. Name the body which conducts the elections in India
(a) Supreme Court
(b) Parliament
(c) Cabinet
(d) Election Commission
Question. How is the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) chosen?
(a) Appointed by the President
(b) Elected by the people
(c) Elected by the MPs
(d) Elected by MPs and MLAs
Question. When on election duty, under whose control does the government officers work?
(a) Central Government
(b) Election Commission
(c) District Magistrate
(d) District Court
Question. In India, who votes in a larger proportion in the elections?
(a) Poor and illiterate
(b) Rich and privileged
(c) Educated people
(d) Women
Question. What does the term „incumbent‟ mean?
(a) The current holder of a political office
(b) The candidate contesting the election
(c) The outgoing candidate of the dissolved House
(d) None of the above
Question. What is the details the candidates have to give in the legal declaration before contesting the elections?
(a) Serious criminal cases pending against them
(b) Details of assets and liabilities of the candidate and his or her family
(c) Educational ualification of the candidate
(d) All the above
Question. What is a set of norms and guidelines, which is to be followed by political parties and contesting candidates during the election time, called?
(a) Discipline Roll
(b) Code of Conduct
(c) Conduct rules
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Question. An electoral malpractice in which a person assumes the identity of another for unlawful Purpose is
(a) Incumbent
(b) Rigging
(c) Impersonation
(d) Turnact
Question. „„Save Democracy‟‟ slogan was given by which of the following political party in 1977 Lok Sabha elections?
(a) Congress Party
(b) Janata Party
(c) Telugu Desam Party
(d) Left Front
Question. What is the age of a person who can contest election for the Lok Sabha in India?
(a) 25 years
(b) 30 years
(c) 35 years
(d) 40 years
Questio In our country, elections are conducted by an independent and powerful body which is known as
(a) Election Commission
(b) Parliament
(c) Judiciary
(d) Lok Sabha
Question. The Election Commission is:
(a) An elected body
(b) An appointed body
(c) An independent body
(d) both (b) and (c)
Question. Which of the following is not allowed while carrying out election campaign?
(a) Giving money to voters to cast vote for candidates
(b) Using TV channels
(c) Door to door canvassing
(d) Contacting voters on phone
Question. Voter‟s List is also known as:
(a) Election Number
(b) Voter Identity Card
(c) Electoral Roll
(d) None of these
Question. Which state has the largest vidhan sabha in the country?
(a) Maharashtra
(b) UP (Uttar Pradesh)
(c) Andhra Pradesh
(d) West Bengal
Question. Reserved Constituencies ensures
(a) Right to euality
(b) Proper representation to all religious groups
(c) Proper representation to the weaker sections of society
(d) None of these
Question. Which of the following has the largest Lok Sabha constituency in India?
(a) Maharashtra
(b) UP
(c) Himachal Pradesh
(d) Bihar
Question. Who has given the slogan „Garibi Hatao‟?
(a) Indira Gandhi
(b) Rajiv Gandhi
(c) Sonia Gandhi
(d) Pt Nehru
Question. What is the tenure of the Lok Sabha?
(a) 9 years
(b) 4 years
(c) 5 years
(d) 6 years
Question. Which of the following statements is against the democratic process of elections?
(a) Parties and candidates should be free to contest elections
(b) Elections must be held regularly immediately after the term is over
(c) The right to vote should be given to the selected people only
(d) Elections should be conducted in a free and fair manner

Students Who Practice this MCQ on Electoral Politics Class 9 will observe that each concept is depicted in a clear way including the equations, formula, diagram, important questions, and revision notes.
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We hope the above multiple choice questions for Class 9 Social Science for Chapter 3 Electoral Politics provided above with answers based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS are really useful for you. Electoral Politics is an important chapter in Class 9 as it provides very strong understanding about this topic. Students should go through the answers provided for the MCQs after they have themselves solved the questions. All MCQs have been provided with four options for the students to solve. These questions are really useful for benefit of class 9 students. Please go through these and let us know if you have any feedback in the comments section.