Sample Paper Class 10 Science Term 2 Set F

Please refer to Sample Paper Class 10 Science Term 2 Set F with solutions provided below. We have provided CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Science as per the latest paper pattern and examination guidelines for Standard 10 Science issued by CBSE for the current academic year. The below provided Sample Guess paper will help you to practice and understand what type of questions can be expected in the Class 10 Science exam.

CBSE Sample Paper Class 10 Science for Term 2 Set F

Section – A

1. Define isomerism. Draw all possible isomers of butane.
Answer. When two or more organic compounds have same molecular formula but different structural formula, then the compounds are called isomers and this phenomenon is called isomerism.
Isobutane CH3-CH(CH3)2

2. An element ‘X’ has mass number 35 and number of neutrons 18. Write atomic number and electronic configuration of ‘X’. Also write name and valency of ‘X’.
Answer. Atomic number = 17
Electronic configuration= 2, 8, 7
Group number = 17
Period number = 3
Valency of X = 1

3. Identify the organism in the given figure and write two important observations.

Sample Paper Class 10 Science Term 2 Set F

Answer. Amoeba
Binary Fission, Division of cytoplasm , nuclear division

4. Vegetative propagation is quick and suitable method for multiplication of horticultural crops. Comment on the statement.
Answer. Vegetative propagation: Any part of the plant that is used to multiply the parent plant.
Since, parent plant is being used so no variation.
The buds grow quickly
Disease free parts used for multiplication reduce the use of insecticides.

5. A wire of length l and resistance R is stretched so that its length is doubled and the area of cross-section is halved. How will its resistance change? Justify your answer in this case.
Answer. R = ρ (l/A)
New resistance, R1 = ρ (2l/A/2)= 4ρ (l/A) = 4 x R
i.e. Resistance becomes four times.

6. In the experiments conducted by Mendel, taking height as one characters, mention:
a. At what stage the law of dominance can be observed?
b. At what stage law of segregation is depicted and with what percentage of expression?

Answer. a. Law of dominance is seen during F1
b. Law of segregation is seen during F2 & to the extent of 25%

7. Give two differences between food chain and food web.
Answer. a. Food chain represent a single sequence of food/energy transfer. Food web represents multiple sequences of food chain
b. Food chain is ecologically less stable than food web.

Section – B

8. Draw the electron dot structures of
a. Ethane (C2H6)
b. Ethene (C2H4)
c. Ethyne (C2H2)

Answer. Draw the electron dot structures of Ethane (C2H6), Ethene (C2H4) and Ethyne (C2H2)

9. An element placed in 2nd group and 3rd period of the periodic table, burns in the presence of oxygen to form a basic oxide.
a. Identify the element and write their electronic configuration.
b. Write a balance equation when this oxide is dissolved in water.
c. Draw the electron dot structure for the formation of this oxide.

Answer. (i) Magnesium (Mg), Electronic configuration = 2, 8, 2
(ii) MgO (s) + H2O(l) → 2Mg(OH)2 (aq)
(iii) Draw the electron dot structure of Mg2+[:O:]2-

10. Reproduction involves a set of organs to function properly.
a. Name the primary reproductive organ in the human female reproductive system.
b. What role does the secondary organs play during the reproductive cycle of human female?

Answer. a. Primary reproductive organs of human female: Ovaries
b. Role of 20 reproductive organs: Tubes to transport gamete / zygote to the right place for implantation.

11. In experiments with magnets:
a. Draw the pattern of magnetic field lines due to a magnetic field through and around a current carrying circular loop.
b. Name and state the rule to find out the direction of magnetic field inside and around the loop.

Answer. (i) Draw the pattern of magnetic field lines
(ii) Right hand thumb rule, when a current straight conductor is held in the right hand in such a way that the thumb points towards the direction of the current, then the fingers will wrap around the conductor in the direction of the field lines of the magnetic field

12. In the diagram given below:

Sample Paper Class 10 Science Term 2 Set F

(i) State Fleming’s left-hand rule.
(ii) An electron moves perpendicular to a magnetic field as shown in above figure. What would be the direction of force experienced by the electrons?

Answer. (i) Stretch the thumb, forefinger and middle finger of the left hand such that they are mutually perpendicular to one another. If the forefinger points in the direction of magnetic field and the middle finger in the direction of current, then the thumb will point in the direction of motion or the force acting on the conductor.
(ii) According to Fleming’s left-hand rule, the direction of force is perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field and current. We know that the direction of current is taken opposite to the direction of motion of electrons. Therefore, the force is directed upwards from the plane of the paper

13. Environment protection is of prime concern these days:
a. Differentiate between biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances with the help of one example each.
b. List two changes in the habitat that people must adopt to dispose nonbiodegradable wastes for saving the environment?

Answer. a. Bio-degradable substances are organic substances that can be decomposed by living organisms (Microbes) where as non-bio-de e.g.: Fungus – Rhizopus, Bacteria for sewage treatment
b. Habits to be adopted to reduce non-bio-degradable wastes: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Alternative products etc.

Section – C

Q14. Mendel is credited with the honour of being the first person to use logical and mathematical approach to study transmission of traits from parents to next generation. He used garden pea plant to do his experiments. During his studies, he noticed some characters which were easy to identify and existed in opposite pairs. The procedure followed by him involved transmission of a single trait and also two different traits together. In his experiments with pea plant involving two characters of seed shape (round or wrinkled) and seed colour (yellow or green), his observations led him to materialize the famous laws of inheritance. The ratios that he observed are valid till today.
a. What is the name of the cross that is mentioned in the above paragraph?
b. Make a cross using the data given, taking parents to be pure for both traits together and find out the expression of F1 generation?
c. Taking the F1 combination, make a cross (undergoing selfing), and find out the possibilities of different combinations in the F2 generation?

Answer. a. Di-hybrid cross
b. Parents: RRYY X rryy = RrYy (F1)
c. F1 : RrYy X RrYy
F2: 25% = Double dominant: RRYY/RrYY/RrYy/RRYy
25% = 1st Domi. & 2nd Rece. : RRyy/Rryy
25% = 1st Rece. & 2nd Domi. : rrYY/rrYy
25% = Double recessive: rryy

Q15. In many electric appliances, such as radio, television and other similar things, it is necessary to combine two or more resistance to get the required current flowing through the circuit . So, there are two types of combination of resistance such as:
a. Resistance in series: In this combination of resistance, current flowing through all resistors is same but voltage across them is different. i.e., Req = R1 + R2
b. Resistance in parallel: In this combination of resistance, current flowing through all resistors is different but voltage across them is same. i.e., 1/Req = 1/R1 + 1/R2 Based on above information, answer the following questions:
(i) Why is an ammeter likely to be burn out if it is connected in parallel in a circuit?
(ii) In series combination of resistance 4Ω and 3Ω, what will be the equivalent resistance?
(iii) In parallel combination of resistance 4Ω and 6Ω, what will be the equivalent resistance?
(iv) Why is resistance less when resistors are joined in parallel?

Answer. (i) The resistance of an ammeter is very low. If an ammeter is connected in parallel, the resultant resistance of the circuit decreases and excessive current passes through the instrument. Hence, the ammeter is likely to be burnt out.
(ii) In series combination,
R = R1 +R2 = 4 + 3 = 7 ohm
(iii) In parallel combination,
1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2 =1/4 + 1/6 = 12/5 = 2.4 ohm
(iv) We know that when resistance is connected in parallel, the current is divided in different branches to go from one point to another across the applied potential difference. The equivalent resistance is reciprocal of sum of reciprocal of individual resistances. Hence, the equivalent resistance is less when resistors are connected in parallel.

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