Sample Paper Class 10 Social science Set A

Section A
This section consists of one case based question.

Case Based MCQs

1. Read the given source and answer the following questions.
Democracies that follow a federal system all over the world tend to have two kinds of political parties: parties that are present in only one of the federal units and parties that are present in several or all units of the federation. This is the case in India as well. There are some countrywide parties, which are called ‘National parties’. These parties have their units in various states. But by and large, all these units follow the same policies, programmes and strategy that is decided at the national level. Every party in the country has to register with the Election Commission. While the Commission treats all parties equally, it offers some special facilities to large and established parties. These parties are given a unique symbol- only the official candidates of that party can use that election symbol. Parties that get this privilege and some other special facilities are ‘recognised’ by the Election Commission for this purpose. That is why these parties are called, ‘recognised political parties’. 

(i) Political parties are the most visible institutions in a democracy. Identify the incorrect statement from the given options regarding political parties.
I. They are a necessary condition for a democracy.
II. They help the government to make policies.
III. Most people in a democracy are not critical of Political Parties.
(a) Only I
(b) Both I and II
(c) Only III
(d) Both II and III
Answer : C

(ii) Which of the following Political Parties is an example of National Parties? Identify the correct option.
(a) Bharatiya Janata Party
(b) Samajwadi Party
(c) Rashtriya Lok Dal
(d) Shiromani Akali Dal
Answer : A

(iii) Which of the following options is a correct meaning of a ‘Recognised Party’?
(a) A party that is present in one of the federal units.
(b) A party that is provided with all the privileges and facilities by the Election Commission.
(c) A party that is based on regional and communal diversities.
(d) A party that is present in several units of the federation.
Answer : B

(iv) Which among the following facilities is offered by the Election Commission to a recognised political party?
(a) Manifesto
(b) Election Funds
(c) Members of the Party
(d) Election Symbols
Answer : D

(v) What is the main purpose behind the Election symbols allotted to political parties? Identify the correct option.
(a) As symbols are used for campaigning before the elections.
(b) To facilitate voting by illiterate people.
(c) As it attracts only educated voters.
(d) None of the above
Answer : B

 Section B
This section consists of 5 questions of Short Answer Type.

Short Answer Questions

2. How does democracy produce an accountable government?
Answer : In a democracy, the Government is always held accountable. If any of the policies, and laws are not implemented properly, then the citizens have the right to vote them out in the next elections. Moreover, in a democracy, citizens can approach the Judiciary, if the Government has taken any actions which are counter productive to the well-being of citizens.
Reasons for democracy being accountable, responsive and legitimate Government
The government can be responsible when people start taking actions when the government becomes insensitive about their aspirations.
People can hold protests, carry out campaigns and organise rallies and force the government to respond to them.
A democratic government is a legitimate government, as it is elected by citizens and enjoys the confidence and trust of the citizens.
People have the right to choose their rulers and they have control over their rulers. Citizens can participate in decision making.


Which values make democracy better than any other form of government? Explain.
Answer : Democracy is a better form of government when compared with any other form of government because of the following reasons
(i) Promotes equality among citizens Every citizen of the country has equal rights before the law.
(ii) Enhances the dignity of the individual By giving its citizens equal rights, it enhances dignity and freedom of the individual.
(iii) Improves the quality of decision-making As there is open debate in major issues in democracy thus, quality of decisions is improved.
(iv) Provides a method to resolve conflicts Democracy reduces the possibility of social tension which leads to peaceful social life. It allows room to correct mistakes.
(v) A legitimate government Democracy gets the popular support of the people by regular, free and fair elections.

3. Why do we need to expand formal sources of credit in India? Explain.
Answer : Formal sources of credit in India need to be expanded for the development of the nation. Cheap and affordable credit is a necessity for the development of the nation.

  • To make sure that the poor can benefit from the cheaper loans, it is important that the formal credit is distributed more equally.
  • Usually the poor have to depend on informal sources of credit and it is the richer households who receive formal credit.
  • Most loans from informal lenders do very little to increase the income of borrowers as they carry a very high interest rate.
  • Reserve Bank of India (RBI) makes sure that banks not only provide loans to traders and profit making businesses but also to small borrowers, small scale industries and small cultivators.


“Banks are efficient medium of exchange.” Support the statement with arguments.
Answer : Banks are efficient medium of exchange because:i Demand deposits share the essential features of money.ii The facility of cheque against demand deposit make it possible to directly settle payment without use of cash.iii Demand deposits are accepted widely as a means of payment.

4. Describe any three features of Indian Tourism as a trade. 
Answer : The significance of tourism as a trade in India:i Tourism in India has grown substantially over the last three decades.ii Foreign tourist’s arrival has witnessed an increase thus contributing to foreign exchange.iii More than 15 million people are directly engaged in the tourism industry.
iv It provides support to local handicrafts and cultural pursuits.
v Tourism also promotes national integration. vi It helps in development of international understanding about our culture and heritage. vii Foreign tourists visit India for heritage tourism eco-tourism adventure tourism cultural tourism medical and business tourism.


Explain the significance of Mass Communication in India.
Answer : (i) Mass communication provides entertainment.
(ii) Creates awareness among people about various national programmes and policies. It includes radio, television, newspapers, magazines, books and films.
(iii) All India Radio (Akashwani) broadcasts a variety of programmes in national, regional and local languages
(iv) Doordarshan broadcasts programmes of entertainment, educational, sports, etc. for people of different age groups.
(v) India publishes a large number of newspapers and periodicals annually
vi) Newspapers are published in about 100 languages and dialects to create awareness among people in different parts of the country.
(vii)India produces short films; video feature films and video short films.
(viii) Mass media creates awareness among people on various socio-economic and political issues.

5. “Nationalism spreads when people begin to believe that they are all part of the same nation.” Justify the statement. 
Answer : Nationalism spreads when people begin to believe that they are all part of the same nation. The sense of collective belonging came partly through the experience of united struggles. Variety of cultural processes through which nationalism captured peoples imagination.

6. Explain the functions and importance of World Trade Organisation (WTO). 
Answer : The WTO operates the global system of trade rules and helps developing countries build their trade capacity. It also provides a forum for its members to negotiate trade agreements and to resolve the trade problems they face with each other.

Section C
This section consists of 3 questions of Long Answer Type.

Long Answer Questions

7. Globalisation and MNC’s have a great impact on the lives of workers. Analyse the statement.
Answer : In brief, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.


Explain in what ways has competition affected workers, Indian exporters and foreign MNC’s in the garment industry.
Answer : Talking about the garment industry which is one of the sought after industries(in India) and
1. Competition has affected the workers in terms of Skills. Due to competition there is a demamd for Skilled workers than Unskilled workers.
2. Indian exporters will get affected because competition will reduce the demand from other countries because the will get the same product at Low Cost.
3. MNC will face a huge threat due tp cut throat competition..

8. “Railways are the lifelines of the country.” Comment.
Answer : Railways are the principal mode of transportation for freight and passengers in India.
The Indian Railway have a network of 7, 031 stations spread over a route length of 63, 221 km. with a fleet of 7817 locomotives, 5321 passenger service vehicles, 4904 other coach vehicles and 228, 170 wagons as on 31 March 2004.
The total length of railways is 63,221 km.
Railways also make it possible to conduct multifarious activities like business, sightseeing, pilgrimage along with transportation of goods over longer distances.
Railways in India bind the economic life of the country as well as accelerate the development of the industry and agriculture.
It is the largest public undertaking in the country. Thus, it is clear that the railways are playing an important role in our economy than all other means of transport put together.


In India roads are classified in different classes according to their capacity. State different types of roads in brief.
Answer : Golden Quadrilateral Super Highways: These projects are implemented by the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI). There are three major Super Highways. Golden Quadrilateral starts from Delhi, moves to Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and back to Delhi. The North-South Corridor starts from Srinagar to Kanyakumari. The East-West Corridor connects Silchar to Porbandar.
National Highways: These roads are laid and maintained by Central Public Works Department (CPWD). A number of major National Highways run in North-South and East-West directions, e.g., Sher Shah Suri Marg is called National Highway No. 1.
State Highways: Roads linking a state capital with different district headquarters are known as state highways. These roads are constructed and maintained by States and Union Territories.
District Roads: These roads connect the district headquarters with other places of the district. These roads are maintained by the Zila Parishad.
Rural Roads: These roads link rural areas and villages with towns. These roads are constructed under the Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojana.

9. How the Salt March was an effective symbol of resistance against colonialism? Explain.
Answer : Salt March became an effective tool of resistance against colonialism because:
Mahatma Gandhi found in salt a powerful symbol that could unite the nation.
Gandhiji sent a letter to Viceroy Irwin stating eleven demands. The most stirring of all was the demand to abolish the salt tax.
Salt was an essential item of food and was consumed by rich and poor alike.
Irwin was unwilling to negotiate, so Gandhiji started Salt march with 78 volunteers. (On 6th April ) he reached Dandi, violated the law and made salt.
This march developed the feeling of nationalism, people in different parts of the country broke the salt law and manufactured salt and demonstrated in front of government salt factories. 


“Various classes and groups of Indians participated in the Civil Disobedience with different objectives.” Justify the statement.
Answer : 1. Rich peasants: Being producers of commercial crops, they were very hard hit by the trade depression and falling prices. As the government refused to reduce revenue demands, they in great numbers participated in the boycott programmes. For them, the fight for Swaraj was a struggle against high revenues.
2. Women: The women participated in protest matches, manufactured salt and picketed foreign cloth and liquor shops. Many went to jail. They began to see service to the nation as a scared duty of women.
3. Business class: A large number of merchants and industrialists supported this movement. They reacted against colonial policies that restricted their business activities. They wanted protection against imports of foreign goods.
4. The industrial working class: The industrial working class did not participate in the civil disobedience movement in large number except in Nagpur. They selectively adopted some of the ideas of Gandhian programme like by Court of foreign goods, as part of their own movements against low wages and poor working conditions.

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