Sample Paper Class 12 English Term 1 Set D
Please refer to Sample Paper Class 12 English Term 1 Set D with solutions provided below. We have provided CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 English as per the latest paper pattern and examination guidelines for Standard 12 English issued by CBSE for the current academic year. The below provided Sample Guess paper will help you to practice and understand what type of questions can be expected in the Class 12 English exam.
CBSE Sample Paper Class 12 English for Term 1 Set D
Section – A
I. Read the passage given below.
1. The youth is a dynamo, an ocean, an inexhaustible reservoir of energy. But this energy cannot be kept caged in prison. Its basic nature is to flow, to express itself. The youth energy on the basis of the nature of its expression can be divided into four categories.
2. The vast majority of the youth today is with the establishment, whose formula of life is learn, earn, burn and enjoy. It means learn to operate the modern devices and employ them to earn the maximum amount of wealth to the point of burning the natural resources of the earth, as well as yourself out, and then enjoy your own funeral.
This category of youth is intelligent, skilful and hardworking but it lacks insight and foresight. They are self-indulgent and any sense of moral code of conduct is alien to their nature. Neither are they able to see in depth, to find out whether there is a deeper meaning and purpose to their human life, nor have they capacity to look beyond the tips of their nose to find out the consequences of their way and approach, where it is leading them to. They are the ends into themselves and enjoyment is the motto of their life.
3. The second category of the youth in nature and approach is the same but as it is less privileged and less qualified and skilled; it has lesser opportunities for earning and enjoying. Such youth may be incited to be against the establishment. This opposition takes various forms. When it is well-organised and systemic it may take the form of political opposition and even go to the extent of expressing itself in unjust ways. When the opposition is not so intense and organised, it remains contended with giving verbal expression to its resentment periodically. The youth of the above two categories need to be shown the right path to positively channelise their energy.
4. The third section of youth is a sober and thoughtful class of people, which objectively observes and studies the phenomenon of development of the world. These youth find that man in his insatiable thirst for consumption has become blind and lost the sense of distinction between milk and blood. Today man in his mad rush for exploitation is sucking the blood of Mother Earth; leading to their destruction and is thereby digging his own grave. This responsible category of young people is looking for an alternative mode of development based on
co-operation between man and man. This development based on mutual love, friendship and harmony is not only sustainable but leading to endless prosperity mutually. To bring about his natural revolution from death-movement to life-movement is the aim of this group.
5. The fourth and most vital group of youth which is going to steer humanity into the third millennium and act as the pioneer for the future development of planetary life is engaged in evolving a new way of life and releasing a new principle of global consciousness through a fundamental research in the science of life. The science of life is a new branch of knowledge which takes the whole man into account without dividing him into subjective and objective halves of spirituality and physicality and does not treat him either as a refined (thinking) animal or an ethereal entity, having its base in some other non-physical world. It rather, recognises man as a basic unit of conscious life which has got immense, practically inexhaustible, possibilities and potentialities for evolution, development and growth. As per the Vedic formula, man is the micro-cosmos and his fullest flowering and enfoldment lies in his identification with the cosmos.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions by choosing the correct answer.
1. Which trait is lacking in the youth that is dexterous with the modern devices?
(a) Intelligence
(b) Perseverance
(c) Foresight
(d) Skillfulness
2. A phrase is a small group of words standing together as a conceptual unit.
The author calls out man for ‘digging his own grave’.
Select the word from the options that is a correct phrase using ‘dig’.
(a) dig over old coats
(b) dig down
(c) dig your roots
(d) dig out of a hole
3. Select the option that suitably completes the given dialogue as per the context in paragraph II.
X : I just want to earn and live my life to the fullest.
Y : Yet you are (1) ……….
X : Why do you say that?
Y : (2) you ________ human life.
(a) (1) intelligent and hardworking, (2) self-indulgent and lack any morality of
(b) (1) self-indulgent and lack moral code of conduct, (2) don’t understand the deeper meaning and purpose to
(c) (1) ignorant and immoral, (2) don’t understand the meaning of
(d) (1) a egoist and a self-indulgent man, (2) Lack morality and understanding of
4. Which option represents the correct traits of the fourth group of youth?

(a) Option 1
(b) Option 2
(c) Option 3
(d) Option 4
5. Select the option that is correct with reference to the given passage.
(a) The difference between the first and third category of youth is that he first one ignores and the third one is blind.
(b) The third and fourth category is similar in sense that they both are futuristic.
(c) The first and fourth category is similar because they both focus on learning and earning.
(d) The difference between the second and the third category is that fights for the growth of the dissatisfied.
6. What is the relationship between (1) and (2)?
(1) The youth is a dynamo, an ocean, an inexhaustible reservoir of energy.
(2) The youth energy on the basis of the nature of its expression can be divided into four categories.
(a) (1) is the cause of (2)
(b) (1) and (2) are independent of each other
(c) (2) elaborates upon the premise of (1)
(d) (1) sets the stage of (2)
7. Which category of youth supports the view that man’s growth lies in his identification with cosmos?
(a) The youth that is responsible
(b) Youth which recognises man as a basic unit of life.
(c) Youth that opposes the establishment
(d) Youth that is self-indulgent and unscrupulous
8. Which of the following options accurately describes the third category of youth?
1. Intelligent and skillful
2. Thoughtful and observant
3. Less intelligent and skillful
4. Problem solver and caring
(a) 1 and 3
(b) 2 and 4
(c) 3 and 4
(d) 1 and 4
9. Which quote summarises the writers feelings about the fourth category of youth?
(a) The youth do not know enough to be prudent and therefore they attempt the impossible and achieve it, generation after generation. – Pearl S. Buck.
(b) “Joy of youth, dream of youth, blood of youth, mood of youth, clothe the world with colors golden, singing songs that never olden”. –Bjrnstjerne Martinius Bjrson
(c) “This world demands the qualities of youth : not a time of life but a state of mind, a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the apetite for adventure over the life of ease”–Robert F Kennedy
(d) “We all benefit by having young people exposed to the ‘way things are done’ in a democratic society. Isn’t it time …… to ‘tap the power of youth?”–Hans Bernard.
10. The purpose of dividing the youth into categories is to
(a) differentiate between different kinds of youth we come across
(b) show how different kinds of youth channelise their surplus energy.
(c) highlight the need to become a futuristic and a refined individual in youth.
(d) add to the knowledge of the reader about the study conducted on youth.
II. Read the passage given below.
1. Hand sanitizers are everywhere. They are cheap, effective disinfectants that are easy to carry around. But lately, these products have been scrutinised for the potential harm they can have on children. “Many caregivers are unaware of the very high alcohol content present in alcohol-based hand sanitizers, which can contain up to 60% to 95% alcohol,” said Cynthia Santos, MD, from CDC’s National Centre for Environmental Health. “Young children may inadvertently consume these hand sanitizers because of their appealing scents, like apple, vanilla and citrus.”
No. of cases reported to NDPS about exposure to alcohol and non-alcohol hand sanitizer in children £ 12 years old in 2011-14.

2. In a new report from CDC researchers analysed data reported to the National Poison Data System (NPDS) from 2011–14 on exposures to alcohol and non-alcohol-based hand sanitizers in children who were 12 years old or younger. A total of 70,669 hand sanitizer exposures in this age group were reported including 65,293 (92.4%) alcohol-based exposures and 5,376 (7.6%) non-alcohol-based exposures.
3. Adverse health effects were more likely to be reported for alcohol-based hand sanitizer exposures, and they tended to be worse than those for non-alcohol based hand sanitizer exposures. “Younger kids are more susceptible to adverse effects [from these products] because there is not as much glycogen in their liver,” said Greene Shepherd, clinical professor at the University of North Carolina Eshelman School of Pharmacy.
4. The most common type of adverse health effects for both alcohol and non-alcohol based hand sanitizers were ocular irritation, vomiting, conjunctivitis, oral irritation, cough and abdominal pain. Rare effects included coma, seizure, hypoglycaemia, metabolic acidosis and respiratory depression.
5. The researchers stratified the NPDS data into two age groups: 0 to 5 years and 6 to 12 years. They looked only at exposures to ethanol-based sanitizers, isopropanol-based sanitizers and non-alcohol based sanitizers—no NPDS reported calls about co-exposures to other agents were included in the analysis. Most exposures (91%) occurred in children aged 5 years or younger. Children aged 6 to 12 years had more intentional exposures, a finding that the report authors said could indicate that these products are being abused among older children.
Shepherd said that abuse of alcohol based hand sanitizers can be equivalent to consuming roughly 120-proof liquor.
6. Patients, parents, and caregivers should be informed about the potential dangers associated with alcohol based hand sanitizers. The report stated that alcohol-based hand sanitizers should be used under adult supervision with proper child safety precautions and stored out of reach of young children to reduce unintended, adverse consequences.Washing hands with soap and water when available, is currently the recommended method of hand hygiene in non-health-care settings. If soap and water are not available, use of a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol is recommended, or a non alcohol-based hand sanitizer or wipe can be used.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of the eight questions by choosing the correct answer.
11. Select the correct inference with reference to the following.
‘Hand sanitizers are everywhere’.
(a) Hand sanitizers are being mass produced.
(b) More and more people are using hand sanitizers.
(c) Hand sanitizers have recently become very popular.
(d) Hand sanitizers can be availed from anywhere.
12. According to the passage, National Poison Data System (NPDS) report on children under the age of 12 highlights the ………………………. .
(a) need for using non alcoholic sanitizer more frequently.
(b) need for using alcoholic hand sanitizers more frequently.
(c) effective treatment for confusion, vomiting and drowsiness.
(d) severity of even a little exposure of alcoholic hand sanitizer.
13. Pick the option that lists statements that are NOT TRUE according to the passage.
1. Alcohol based hand sanitizer exposure is potentially more harmful than non-alcohol based hand sanitizer.
2. None of the alcohol based hand sanitizer and non-alcohol based hand sanitizer cause minor or major adverse health effects.
3. Non-alcohol based hand sanitizer exposure is potentially more harmful than alcohol based hand sanitizer.
4. Both alcohol based hand sanitizer and non-alcohol based hand sanitizer can cause minor to major adverse health effects.
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 3 and 4
(c) 2 and 3
(d) 1 and 4
14. Based on your reading of the passage, select the counter-argument to the given argument.
Argument : You should always prefer using a non-alcohol based hand sanitizers as it has minimum side effect.
(a) Washing hands with soap and water is the most recommended method of hand-hygiene.
(b) Data shows that non-alcohol based hand sanitizers have an equal negative impact on children’s health.
(c) Hand sanitizers of both type cause unintended damage to the health.
(d) Non-alcohol based sanitisers have also proven to be harmful so water and soap should be used.
15. Select option that displays the correct cause-effect relationship.

16. According to passage, which of the statements is not one of the reasons for popular use hand sanitizer as disinfectant.
(a) Handsanitizers are effective disinfectant.
(b) Hand sanitizers are easy to use in absence of availability of water and soap.
(c) Hand sanitizers are better than washing with soap and water.
(d) Hand sanitizers are economical disinfectant.
17. The phrase ‘being abused among older children’ refer to the
(a) over used by teenagers
(b) intentional use to serve a purpose
(c) intentional overuse for medicinal purpose
(d) attraction to the scent of hand sanitizers.
18. Read the two statements given below and select the option that suitably explains them.
(1) Many hand-sanitizers contain 60% to 95% alcohol content.
(2) Very high content alcohol based hand sanitizer pose serious health risks.
(a) (1) is the problem and (2) is its solution
(b) (1) is false but (2) correctly explains it
(c) (2) elaborates on (1)
(d) (1) is true and (2) is the reason for (1)
Section – B
Attempt any 10 questions in this section.
III. Answer any four out of the five questions given with reference to the context below.
You have lost your leather wallet containing your examination entry ticket for Class XII, while travelling by bus from Banashankari to M.G. Road in Bengaluru. Write an Advertisement for the same.
19. Select the section in which you would place the advertisement.
(a) Attention Please
(b) Lost and Found
(c) Misplaced
(d) Situation Lost
20. Select the option that list the most accurate opening for the advertisement.
(a) Lost a black leather ladies wallet …
(b) I liked my black colored wallet which is lost…
(c) This is to inform you that I have lost …
(d) I need help in finding my lost …
21. Select the option with the information points to be included in the body of the advertisement.
1. Brand details
2. Things in the wallet
3. Location where you lost it
4. Day of the loss
5. Where to return
(a) 2, 3 and 5
(b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1, 4 and 5
22. Select the appropriate conclusion for this advertisement.
(a) Anyone who finds it contact urgently
(b) If found, please drop at …
(c) Please help …
(d) If found, deliverd at …
23. What could become the contact details of the advertisement?
(a) Name
(b) Telephone number
(c) Address
(d) All of these
IV. Answer any six of the seven questions given, with reference to the context below.
Sohan is a student who have been hearing about the violence meted out against the elders. He is disturbed with the thought of elders living alone and it comes to him that the police is not taking adequate steps to make them feel safe and secure. So, he decides to write a letter to the editor of a leading daily.
24. Select the option that lists the appropriate subject for Sohan’s letter.
(a) Safety precautions for the elderly in the city
(b) Need for safety and security of elders
(c) Increasing violence against elders
(d) Unsafe old age : A menace to human civilisation.
25. Which options (1-4) would Sohan choose to suggest as safety precautions for the elderly?

26. Which option would help Sohan bring relevancy to his issue?
(a) A reference to a study report published by your teacher.
(b) A recent report of violence against elders.
(c) This participation in a community about elders and a realisation of the issue.
(d) The conditions of many elders in old-age homes.
27. Would the letter include any blame?
(a) Yes, because someone is to be held responsible.
(b) No, because it will be a charge against an official body.
(c) Yes, to incite the authority to take action.
(d) No, the tone of the letter must be polite and formal.
28. Read a sentence from Sohan’s letter draft and help him complete it by selecting the most appropriate option.
The recent murder highlight the (i) ………. . It is important, in today’s times that the authorities take (ii) ……………… for those who are the most vulnerable in our community.
(a) (i) lack of any kind of safety measures for the elderly (ii) effective steps.
(b) (i) need of safety measures for the elderly (ii) proper precautions.
(c) (i) ineffectiveness of the police in providing safety to one and all (ii) alert steps and measures
(d) Both (a) and (b)
29. Which quote would Sohan use to conclude the body of his letter?
(a) “Those who respect the elderly pave their own road towards success.”
(b) “An elderly person at home is like a living golden treasure.”
(c) “… the grey hair of experience is the splendor of the old.”
(d) “Blessed is the society that has oldies.”
30. Read the following options for the salutation and the complimentary close for this letter and select the option that includes the most appropriate combination for this letter.

Section – C
This section has sub-sections : V, VI, VII, VIII and IX. There are a total of 30 questions in the section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.
V. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
Saheb’s family is among them. Seemapuri was then a wilderness. It still is, but it is no longer empty. In structures of mud, with roofs of tin and tarpaulin, devoid of sewage, drainage or running water, live 10,000 ragpickers. They have lived here for more than thirty years without an identity, without permits but with ration scards that get their names on voters’ lists and enable them to buy grain. Food is more important for survival than an identity. “If at the end of the day we can feed our families and go to bed without an aching stomach, we would rather live here than in the fields that gave us no grain,” say a group of women in tattered saris when I ask them why they left their beautiful land of greenfields and rivers.
31. ‘Without permits but with rationcards that get their names on voters’ lists and enable them to buy grain.’ The given line indicates
(a) the decision of the people to stay in Seemapuri
(b) the selfish and self-centered nature of politicians
(c) the increasing population
(d) the uncaring officials of the government
32. The word ‘wilderness’ has been used in the extract to show
(a) primeval state of the place
(b) the natural vegetation covering the place
(c) the lack of literacy residing among the people residing there
(d) lack of sanitation in the place
33. Pick the option that does not refer to ‘them’.
(a) People of Seeemapuri
(b) Ragpickers
(c) Tea stall owner
(d) Immigrants from Bangladesh
34. Select the option that describes the following.
1. In structures of mud, with roofs of tin and tarpaulin……
2. ……their beautiful land of greenfields and rivers.

35. Select the option that lists the condition of the people of Seemapuri in the extract.
1. Free
2. Helpless
3. Oppressed
4. Resignation
5. Sorrowful
6. Hopeless
(a) 1, 2 and 5
(b) 2, 3 and 6
(c) 2 and 4
(d) 3, 5 and 6
VI. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow :
Then, as I hurried by as fast as I could go, the Blacksmith, Watcher, who was there, with his apprentice, reading the bulletin, called after me. “Don’t go so fast, bub; you’ll get to your school in plenty of time!”
I thought he was making fun of me and reached M.Hamel’s little garden all out of breath. Usually, when school began, there was a great bustle, which could be heard out in the street, the opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in unison, very loud, with our hands over our ears to understand better, and the teacher’s great ruler rapping on the table. But now it was all so still!
36. Why did Franz go as fast as he could?
(a) Because as he was late for his French lesson
(b) Because as he wanted to meet M. Hamel before his class
(c) Because as he had a test
(d) Because as it was his last French lesson
37. Select the option that lists the correct inference based on the information in the extract.
(a) Watcher, the Blacksmith was mocking Franz for being late in his last French lesson.
(b) Franz had strategised a way to enter the class without getting noticed.
(c) Franz was suspicious of some bad news arriving from Berlin.
(d) Franz was worried because he was late and that he had a recital.
38. What was the reason for Watcher calling out Franz?
(a) He had read the news on the bulletion.
(b) He enjoyed making fun of the little boy.
(c) He wanted Franz to know about the order.
(d) He was worried for Franz.
39. Franz says that it was ‘very still’ that day. He means that on that day the school was ………… .
(a) closed
(b) quiet
(c) different
(d) peaceful
40. How would you describe the mood of the school on that ‘still’ day?
(a) Sorrowful
(b) Anxious
(c) Solemn
(d) Patriotic
VII. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
The tall girl with her weighed-down head. The paperseeming boy, with rat’s eyes. The stunted, unlucky heir Of twisted bones, reciting a father’s gnarled disease, His lesson, from his desk. At back of the dim class One unnoted, sweet and young. His eyes live in a dream Of squirrel’s game, in tree room, other than this.
41. “The stunted, unlucky heir of twisted bones” means he …………………… .
(a) was short and bony
(b) inherited disability
(c) inherited poverty
(d) Both (b) and (c)
42. Find the example of simile from the extract
(a) The paper seeming boy, with rat’s eyes
(b) Children’s faces like rootless weeds
(c) His eyes live in a dream
(d) Reciting a father’s gnarled diseases
43. Select the correct option to fill in the blank. The metaphor of ‘rat’s eyes’ is indicative of ……………. .
(a) curiosity
(b) hunger
(c) mischief
(d) weariness
44. The vivid description of the children serves the purpose of the author. What is this purpose?
(a) To show how they lack proper education.
(b) To show th hopeless future of these children.
(c) To show that these children lack dreams.
(d) To show the poor living conditions of the children.
45. How is the ‘squirrel’s game’ different from what is happening in the class?
(a) Squirrel’s game is playful and free
(b) Squirrel’s game teaches the need of enjoyment
(c) Squirrel’s game shows the life of children should enjoy.
(d) Squirrel’s game is a picture of happiness and joy.
VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow :
Sadao had taken this into his mind as he did everything his father said, his father who never joked or played with him but who spent infinite pains upon him who was his only son. Sadao knew that his education was his father’s chief concern. For this reason he had been sent at twenty-two to America to learn all that could be learned of surgery and medicine. He had come back at thirty and before his father died he had seen Sadao become famous not only as a surgeon but as a scientist. Because he was perfecting a discovery which would render wounds entirely clean, he had not been sent abroad with the troops. Also, he knew, there was a slight danger that the old General might need an operation for a condition for which he was now being treated medically and for this possibility Sadao was being ketp in Japan.
46. Why did Sadao do ‘everything his father said’?
(a) He did not want to upset him
(b) He was scared of him
(c) He knew his father only wanted the best for him
(d) He wanted to make his father proud.
47. By sending Sadao to America, his father wants to ………….. .
(a) bring glory to Japan
(b) bring advanced medicine to Japan
(c) get him properly educated
(d) bring Western notions to Japan
48. Select the option that signifies the characteristics of Sadao’s father as inferred from the extract.
1. Loving
2. Responsible
3. Caring
4. Indifferent
5. Patriotic
(a) Only 2
(b) 2 and 5
(c) 1 and 3
(d) Only 4
49. Select the option that displays a cause-effect relationship.

50. Why was Sadao primarily not sent abroad with the troops?
(a) General might need a surgery.
(b) He was perfecting a discovery.
(c) His father did not want him to.
(d) His life was in danger due to the war.
51. According to Neruda, a huge silence does good to us. With reference to the poem ‘Keeping Quit’, which one of the following is true?
(a) Silence leads to introspection
(b) Silence means total inactivity
(c) Death is the ultimate silence
(d) Silence leads to sleep
52. “I crossed to oblivion and curtain of life fell’. This line suggests that Douglas had
(a) drowned
(b) died
(c) fell unconscious
(d) felt peaceful
53. Choose the correct option with reference to the two statements given below.
(1) Charley does not want to tell anyone about his feeling regarding the Grand Central Station.
(2) Charley feel any more information would incite his friends to make fun of him.
(a) Statement (1) is true but Statement (2) is false
(b) Statement (1) is false but Statement (2) is true
(c) Both Statement (1) and Statement (2) cannot be inferred
(d) Both Statement (1) and Statement (2) can be inferred
54. The simile ‘like rootless weeds’ has been used by the poet Stephen Spender to highlight
(a) the dirty and unkempt condition of the children
(b) that these children are unwanted by the society
(c) that these children are like outsiders in the society
(d) that their future is like weeds
55. ‘But I’ve never again found the corridor that leads to the third level at Grand Central Station, although I’ve tried often enough. These lines shown Charley’s
1. Resolve
2. Child-like curiosity
3. Stubborness
4. Desperation
5. Gutsy attitude
(a) 1 and 3
(b) 1 and 4
(c) 2 and 3
(d) 3 and 5
56. In the last lesson, Franz is able to understand everything very clearly. Select the option that explains this.
(a) He tries to understand everything.
(b) He is receptive to everything taught.
(c) He started respecting his teacher.
(d) He becomes introspective of his own actions.
57. Pick the idiom that best describes the situation in which Sadao and Hana were in.
(a) to be like a fish out of water
(b) like water off a duck’s back
(c) to be dead in the water
(d) to be in hot water
58. In the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six’ the poetess was hiding her feelings from her mother so that
(a) she did not want to face the dilemma of duty v/s responsibility
(b) she did not want her mother to be sad and sorrowful
(c) she wanted to be hopeful for her mother
(d) she did not want her mother to realise what she was thinking
59. In ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six’, the poet ………… that was to dawn upon her mother due to her age.
(a) bridges the pain and fear
(b) wards off the thought
(c) doesn’t want to confront the fact
(d) accept the inevitability of the fate
60. Classify (1) to (4) as fact (F) or opinion (O), based on your reading of ‘Lost Spring’.
1. Mukesh’s family also wanted him to join bangle making.
2. Mukesh is determined enough to pursue his dream.
3. Mukesh needs to be a rebel for fulfilling his dream.
4. The vicious circle of middlemen wouldn’t allow Mukesh to succeed.
(a) F-2, 4; O-1,3
(b) F-1, 2; O-3, 4
(c) F-3, 4; O-1, 2
(d) F-1, 2, 4; O-3