Letter Writing Class 11 English
Get Class 11 Letter Writing Format PDF Download, which is based on the latest pattern of CBSE and NCERT. It involves every one of the points given in NCERT class 11 English book. You can easily download this Class 11 Letter Writing format with Solved Examples is given below.
Download Letter Writing for Class 11 in PDF free of charge. It will help you to make your preparation better to score higher marks in exams. This class 11 English letter writing Solved Examples is prepared by our expert teacher.
This Letter writing Class 11 format assists you with revising the complete chapter in minutes. One of the best tips suggested by teachers is revising the notes during exam time.
The best letters give the most important information in the shortest time and most accessible form.
Points to Remember
- Time available 15-20 minutes.
- Always plan your letter. Think before you write.
- Avoid ambiguity, cliches and be straight forward.
- Give complete information.
- Don’t use abbreviations, e.g., Inst., govt. etc. Though contractions (don’t cant etc.) are permissible in modern letter writing, one should avoid them.
- Be polite, courteous and correct even if you are in bad mood.
- Use short and crisp language.
- Write one idea in one paragraph. Use different paragraphs for different points with appropriate linkers.
- Always edit your rough draft.
- Avoid long-winded and rambling turns of phrase. For example, write “please let me know”, Not “I would appreciate your informing me….”.
- Use correct/appropriate format.
- Avoid vague closing like ‘Hoping to hear from you’ or ‘Thanking you in anticipationthese are outdated Instead end on a firm and positive note. Such as this should suit you. I’m sure.
- Follow block style (latest). Do not mix it up with the traditional semi-block style.
- Leave one line space between paragraphs.
- No punctuation in address/date/salutation.
- Don’t leave any space at the beginning of a new paragraph, as was done in traditional paragraphs.
- In the complimentary close-write :
* Yours obediently to the Principal
* Yours sincererly-When writing to the editor or to employer etc. (or whenever you write Dear Sir/ Madam as salutation.
* Yours sincerely-to friends and to all the people whom you are addressing by name.
* Yours affectionately-to relatives.
* Yours truly-to unknown persons or editor at the end, signature of the sender followed by his name in block letters alongwith designation. - In modern letter writing, ‘yours Sincerely’ is often used for business letters, to editor also.
Such letters are written to draw attention of the public authorities towards certain irregularities
and common problems.
Such letters are also written to raise certain current issues and express writer’s own
view point.
Points to Remember
- Raise the issue by giving certain items or events.
- Analyze the issue-try to find causes.
- Offer suggestions to face the problem.
DON’T WRITE THAT THE EDITOR SHOULD TAKE ACTION - Be courteous, even if critical.
Points to Remember
These are formal letters to seek clarification. Making equiries about certain missing pieces of information in any advertisement or a notice or a poster.
While Writing such letters
1. Refer to the source of information.
2. Make specific enquiry about
• Accommodation in a hostel
• Tariff
• Type of food available etc.
• Language : Formal but courteous
Such letters are written to officials of different Departments and business organisations for
necessary action or redressal. These complaints may be related to untimely/short/defective supply or irregular public services such as buses, electrical or water supply.
Points to Remember
- Use appropriate format
(a) Company’s name and address.
(b) Date
(c) Ref. if any
(d) Salutation
(e) Closing and signature - Content : Complete/all necessary points.
- Request for action required.
- Language: Formal and courteous.
Unemployed people respond to the vacancies advertised under SITUATION VACANT column. While writing applications for such vacancies
Points to Remember
- To write correct contact address.
- To refer to the advertisement write date and name of the newspaper (source of
information). - Forwarding note to offer your candidature.
- To enclose your curriculum vitae (C.V. or Bio data) duly signed C.V. should include
– Personal details : Name, D.O.B., Address.
– Academic qualifications.
– Details of Experience.
– Salary expected
References (Two)
Letter Writing
Letters in class XI include-
i. Letter for making enquiries
ii. Placing Orders and sending replies
iii. Cancelling Order
iv. Letters of complaint-Product
v. Letters of complaint -Civic amenities
vi. Letters of Request – to heads of educational Institutes – or college authorities, regarding admissions, school issues, requirements/suitablity of course etc.
vii. Job application with a bio-data or resume
viii. Letters to the Editor (giving suggestions/opinion on an issue)
Tips for Writing Formal Letters in English-
In English there are some accepted conventions that should be used when formatting a formal or business letter. Furthermore, you should try to write as simply and clearly as possible, without making it longer than necessary. Remember not to use informal language like contractions slangs, colloquial language. Always stick to the word limit.
(1) Sender’s Address-top left-hand corner of the letter.
(2) DATE
(3) Use International formats for writing the date. As – May 10, 2018 or 10 May, 2018.
(4) Avoid to write in (10-05-2018) format.
(5) Receiver’s Address with designation on the left below sender’s address.
Salutation or greeting:
(1) Dear Sir or Madam-if you do not know the name of the person you are writing to and the person is not your immediate/official authority
(2) DearMrSharma,
If you know the name, use the title (Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms, Dr, etc.) and the surname only. If you are writing to a woman and do not know if she uses Mrs or Miss,better use Ms. which applies to both married and single women these days.
Complimentary Closing:
(1) Yours truly-if you do not know the person and he/she belongs to other department.
(2) Yours sincerely-if you know the person or he/she is your immediate/official head.
(3) Signature-above your name
Contents of a Formal Letter (Body of the Letter)
First paragraph / Introductory
The first paragraph should be short and state the purpose of the letter i.e.making an enquiry, complain, request etc.
Middle/ Main paragraph
The paragraph or paragraphs in the middle of the letter should contain the relevant information for writing the letter. Do keep the essential information and organise it in a clear and logical manner.
Last/Concluding Paragraph
The last paragraph of a formal letter should state what action you expect the recipient to take i.e.-to refund, send you information etc.
Question. Look at the advertisement given below and draft a letter enquiring about the student exchange programme. Invent the necessary details.
• Service available in which countries? France? Spain?
• Cost?
• Length of stay?
• Knowledge of language necessary?
For 20 years now we have been conducting student exchange programmes success fully Host families are ensure maximum achievement. If you or your school is interested contact us for more information. |
Malviya Nagar
New Delhi
20 March 2018
The Director
Student Exchange Services
South Extension
New Delhi
Subject: Enquiry regarding the Student Exchange Programmes
Dear Sir/Madam
This is with reference to the advertisement published in The Times Of India, dated 15th Feb 20XX regarding the Student Exchange programmes being offered by your institution.
I am keen to go on a Student Exchange program. However before registering, I would like to know a few details regarding the programme:
1. Countries where your services are available
2. Duration of the programs
3. Fees and mode of payment
4. The procedure for selection of candidates
5. Certification status of the course
6. Knowledge of the languages
I request you to send the requisite information at your earliest so that I may register for the above said program. I enclose herewith a self addressed envelope for your early response.
Looking forward to a quick reply
Yours truly/sincerely
Harsh Chaddha
Placing of order:
Question. You are the Sports teacher of Sister Nivedita SKV, A-Block, Defence Colony, You have been asked to place an order for different sports equipments for the year to Mehta & Sons Pvt. Ltd.
A-Block Defence Colony,
New Delhi
25 March 20XX
The Proprietor
Mehta & Sons Pvt.Ltd
Chandni Chowk New Delhi
Subject: Supply Order for Sports Equipments
Dear Sir
We are pleased to inform that the rates sent by your company vide letter no.256/341/SNSKV, dated 12 March 2018 have been approved for the year 20XX-XX. Keeping rates, terms and conditions in view, we place an order for early and timely supply of the following equipments:
S.No. | Items | Quantity |
1 | Basket Ball (Nevia) | 06 |
2 | Cricket Bat (Cookabura) | 06 |
3 | Shuttle cock (Light Feather) | 06 |
4 | Football (Nike) | 06 |
It is expected that the order will be delivered within ten days of the issue of this letter. The payment will be made by cheque within one week of the delivery.
In case any item is found missing/damaged the payment will be held back till it is replaced. It is expected that, 10% discount would be given to us as per the norms.
Yours truly
Cancellation of order
Question. As manager of an established Hotel in Agra, you have been asked to cancel an order for furnishings that were placed to Harisons Furnishings, New Delhi. Invent details.
Jaypee Hotel
03 March 2018
The Sales Manager
Harisons Furnishings
Ring road Lajpat nagar
New Delhi
Subject: Cancellation of Order No. 345
Dear Sir
Kindly refer to letter no 345/Jaypee/h/furnishings dated 15 February 2018 vide which an order for bed linen, curtains and upholstery was placed with you. We are in receipt of the acknowledgement from your side.
As per the order, the goods were to be delivered by 25th February but we have not received any consignment from your side till date and there is no correspondence to that effect either. This has put us in a very difficult situation and we are not in favour of the business ethics displayed.
In view of the above, we are constrained to cancel the order and will not entertain any further correspondence in this regard. Moreover, the consignment if it reaches us, will not be accepted.
Yours truly
Letter of complaint
Question. You recently bought a mobile phone for your grandmother on her 60th birthday from The Spice Shop’ Lajpat Nagar. However, now, within two months of the purchase, the phone isn’t getting charged and the screen light has gone too. Write a letter to the Proprietor complaining about the sub-standard product sold to you.
R-57, Sec-7
New Delhi
20 March, 20XX
The Proprietor
Spice shop
Lajpat Nagar
Subject: Complaint about faulty LG mobile phone
Dear Sir
Kindly refer to bill no 4569, dated 12 Jan, 20XX, vide which a mobile hand set- Lumia 5 of Nokia company was purchased from your shop. However within two months of purchase, the phone has developed a number of problems.
The hand set is not getting charged and is operational only when it is plugged. We even got the battery checked but there seems to be no problem with the battery. To add to our woes, within a week, the screen light got diffused too.
Since the product is still under guarantee period, I am enclosing the photocopy of the bill and sending the phone to be replaced or repaired at the earliest.
Yours truly
Letters of complaint-Civic amenities
Question. You are Mohd. Irshad of D block Nand nagri. Write a letter to Municipal Commissioner, MCD, complaining about poor sanitary conditions in your area.
10 Nand Nagri,
New Delhi
May 16, 2018
The Municipal commissioner
MCD, (East)
New Delhi-92
Subject: Complaint regarding poor sanitary conditions in Nand Nagri
I am a resident of D-Block Nand Nagri. I am writing this letter to complain about poor sanitary conditions in the area.
The roads here are not swept for days. Consequently heaps of garbage can be seen here and there. Also the drains remain choked and overflow. In addition to it the choked drains are a breeding ground for mosquities. The situation turns worse during rainy reason, as a result residents suffer from various diseases like malaria, dengue etc.
I look forward to a quick resolution of the problem.
Thank you
Yours truly
(Muhammad Irshad)
Letter to the principal
Question. You are the Head Boy/girl of SKV FU block, Rohini. The students have been complaining to you about shortage of cold drinking water outlets in the school. Write a letter to the Principal of the school requesting for one more water cooler in the school.
The Principal
SKV – FU Block
20 March 20XX
Subject: Request for more Water Coolers
I would like to bring to your notice the problems being faced by the students due to inadequate number of water coolers in the school.
Long quenes of students, especially during recess can be seen in front of the only water cooler in the school. This sometimes leads to quarrels and delay in going back to classes.
You are requested to get some more coolers installed in the school premises. Most students complain that there isn’t enough water for everyone specially during recess period. The increasing temperature has increased the demand of drinkable water.
One more water cooler on the first floor of secondary block would resolve the issue to a great extent. Therefore, you are requested to take necessary step for installing a branded 300 ltr. water cooler in the school as early as possible.
Thank you
Yours obediently
Head Boy
Letter to the editor
Question. Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper, complaining about the bad condition of water supply in your locality. You are Avantika, living at H-19 Green Park, New Delhi.
H-19 Green Park
New Delhi
5 January, 2018
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
1 KG Marg New Delhi
Subject: Poor condition of water supply in Green Park.
I am a resident of Green Park and on behalf of the residents of Green Park, I am writing this letter in your esteemed columns about the poor condition of supply of drinking water in our colony. Not to speak of water for bathing or washing, even the drinking water is not available during peak morning hours.
Most of the time the taps run dry. The supply is made only for two hours in the morning and one hour in the evening. Besides this, the water is muddy and polluted. Many residents have fallen sick due to it.
In this connection, we complained to the local authorities but in vain. I hope that you will publish my news to draw attention of the authorities towards the seriousness of the problem.
Yours sincerely
Prabhu Dayal
Question. You are Md. Kausar of 71 Defence colony. You came across on advertisement in a national daily for the post of a news reader. You decide to apply for the same. Write a job Application.
71, Defence Colony
New Delhi
2 August 20XX.
The Director (Administration)
News Services Division,
A.I.R, New Broadcasting House,
Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001
Subject: Application for the Post of News Reader
With reference to your advertisement published in The Times of India dated 28 July 20XX, for the recruitment to the post of news reader in your firm. I would like to offer my service for the same. I understand that you are looking for young and promising newsreaders. I wish to apply for the same.
I have a photogenic face. Also I have very clear voice and correct pronunciation in English as well as Hindi. I consider myself suitable for the advertised job. I enclose herewith my biodata for your persual.
Looking forward to a favourable and early response. If given a chance I would not leave anything untried to satisfy your aspiration.
Yours Sincerely
Mohammad Kausar
1. Bio Data
2. Certificates
Full Name:
Father’s Name:
Mother’s Name:
Date Of Birth/Age:
Telephone No:
E-Mail Address:
Educational Qualifications: Preferably in tabular form
1. School Level
2. College Level
3. Professional qualifications e.g. Diplomas /degrees Experience:
4. Marital status
Present Employment (If any)
Salary Expected: (Optional)
Signature :
Name :

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