MCQs for Chemistry Class 11 with Answers Chapter 9 Hydrogen
Students of class 11 Chemistry should refer to MCQ Questions Class 11 Chemistry Hydrogen with answers provided here which is an important chapter in Class 11 Chemistry NCERT textbook. These MCQ for Class 11 Chemistry with Answers have been prepared based on the latest CBSE and NCERT syllabus and examination guidelines for Class 11 Chemistry. The following MCQs can help you to practice and get better marks in the upcoming class 11 Chemistry examination
Chapter 9 Hydrogen MCQ with Answers Class 11 Chemistry
MCQ Questions Class 11 Chemistry Hydrogen provided below have been prepared by expert teachers of grade 11. These objective questions with solutions are expected to come in the upcoming Standard 11 examinations. Learn the below provided MCQ questions to get better marks in examinations.
Question. Which one is used as propellants for rockets?
(a) Liq. H2 + Liq. O2
(b) Liq. N2 + Liq. O2
(c) Liq. H2 + Liq. N2
(d) Liq. O2 + Liq. air
Question. The hydrides of the first elements in groups 15-17 namely NH3, H2O and HF respectively show abnormally high values for melting and boiling points. This is due to
(a) small size of N, O and F
(b) the ability to form extensive intermolecular H-bonding
(c) the ability to form extensive intramolecular H-bonding
(d) effective van der Waals’ interaction
Question. The metal, which gives hydrogen on treatment with acid as well as sodium hydroxide is
(a) Fe
(b) Zn
(c) Cu
(d) None of these
Question. Hydrogen exists in atomic state in which of the following compounds?
(a) Metallic hydrides
(b) Ionic hydrides
(c) Molecular hydrides
(d) H2O
Question. Which of the following is electron precise hydride?
(a) B2H6
(b) NH3
(c) H2O
(d) CH4
Question. In context with the industrial preparation of hydrogen from water gas (CO + H2 ), which of the following is the correct statement?
(a) CO is oxidised to CO2 with steam in the presence of catalyst followed by absorption of CO2 in alkali
(b)CO and H2 are fractionally separated using differences in their densities
(c) CO is removed by absorption in aqueous Cu2Cl2 solution
(d) H2 is removed through occlusion with Pd
Question. H2 gas is liberated at anode by electrolysis of which of the following aqueous solution?
(a) NaH
(b) HCOO− Na+
Question. c) NaCl
(d) LiHc
Question. The maximum possible number of hydrogen bonds in a water molecule can form in ice is
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
Question. Ice floats on water because
(a) its density is less than that of water
(b) crystal structure of ice has empty space
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above
Question. Ortho and para hydrogen differ in the
(a) number of protons
(b) molecular weight
(c) nature of spins of protons
(d) nature of spins of electrons
Question. . When zeolite, which is hydrated sodium aluminium silicate is treated with hard water, the sodium ions are exchanged with
(a) H+ ion
(b) Ca2+ ion
(c) SO42− ion
(d) OH− ion
Question. 30 volume hydrogen peroxide means
(a) 30% of H2O2 solution
(b) 30cm3 of the solution contains 1g of H2O2
(c) 1cm3 of the solution liberates 30cm3 of O2 at STP
(d) 30cm3 of the solution contains 1 mole of H2O2
Question. Decomposition of H2O2 is favoured by
(a) traces of acids
(b) alcohol
(c) acetanilide
(d) MnO
Question. Which of the following statements concerning protium, deuterium and tritium is not true?
(a) They are isotopes of each other
(b) They have similar electronic configurations
(c) They exists in the nature in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3 respectively
(d) Their mass numbers are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 respectively
Question. Metal hydrides are ionic, covalent or molecular in nature. Among LiH, NaH, KH, RbH, CsH, the correct order of increasing ionic character is
(a) LiH > NaH > CsH > KH > RbH
(b) LiH < NaH < KH < RbH < CsH
(c) RbH > CsH > NaH > KH > LiH
(d) NaH > CsH > RbH > LiH > KH
Question. Which of the following statements is not correct ?
(a) H2O2 oxidises Fe (II) to Fe (III)
(b) H2O2 can be obtained by electrolysis of dil. H2SO4
(c) H2O2 reduces Mn (VII) to Mn (II)
(d) H2O2 is a weak base
Question. Permutit is chemically
(a) hydrated sodium aluminium silicate
(b) sodium hexaphosphate
(c) sodium bicarbonate
(d) calcium hydroxide
Question. The hardness of water sample containing 0.002 mole of magnesium sulphate dissolved in a litre of water is expressed as
(a) 20 ppm
(b) 200 ppm
(c) 2000 ppm
(d) 120 ppm
Question. In aqueous solution, hydrogen peroxide oxidises H2S to
(a) sulphur
(b) sulphuric acid
(c) Caro’s acid
(d) Marshall’s acid
Question. Hydrogen resembles halogens in many respects for which several factors are responsible. Of the following factors which one is most important in this respect?
(a) Its tendency to lose an electron to form a cation
(b) Its tendency to gain a single electron in its valence shell to attain stable electronic configuration
(c) Its low negative electron enthalpy value
(d) Its small size
Question. Hydrogen peroxide when added to a solution of potassium permanganate acidified with H2SO4,.
(a) forms water only
(b) acts as an oxidising agent
(c) acts as a reducing agent
(d) reduces sulphuric acid
Question. H2 can be obtained from
(a) water gas (CO + H2 ) by liquefaction of CO at low temperature under pressure
(b) water gas by oxidation of CO into CO2 (by steam) which can be easily removed by dissolving in H2 O
(c) electrolysis of water
(d) All the above methods can be used to obtain H2
Question. Which one of the following pairs of substances will not produce hydrogen when reacted together?
(a) Copper and conc. nitric acid
(b) Ethanol and metallic sodium
(c) Magnesium and steam
(d) Phenol and metallic sodium
Question. Consider the following reactions :
I. H2O2 + O3 → H2O + 2O2
II. H2O2 + Ag2O→ 2Ag + H2O + O2
Role of hydrogen peroxide in the above reactions is respectively
(a) oxidising in I and reducing in II
(b) reducing in I and oxidising in II
(c) reducing in I and II
(d) oxidising in I and II
Question. From the following statements regarding H2O2, choose the incorrect statement.
(a) It can act only as an oxidising agent
(b) It decomposed on exposure to light
(c) It has to be stored in plastic or wax lined glass bottles in dark
(d) It has to be kept away from dust
Question. Very pure hydrogen (99.9) can be made by which of the following processes?
(a) Reaction of methane with steam
(b) Mixing natural hydrocarbons of high molecular weight
(c) Electrolysis of water
(d) Reaction of salts like hydrides with water
Question. The hydride ionH− is stronger base than its hydroxide ion OH−.Which of the following reactions will occur if sodium hydride (NaH) is dissolved in water?
(a) 2H+ (aq) → H2 + 2e−
(b) H− (aq) + H2O(/) → OH− + H2
(c) H− + H2O(/) → No reaction
(d) None of the above
Question. Select the incorrect statement.
(a) Ortho and para hydrogen are different due to difference in their nuclear spins
(b) Ortho and para hydrogen are different due to different in their electron spins
(c) Para hydrogen has a lower internal energy than that of ortho hydrogen
(d) Para hydrogen is more stable at lower temperature
Question. In which of the following reactions does dihydrogen act as oxidising agent?
(a) Ca + H2 →
(b) H2 + O2 →
(c) H2 + F2 →
(d) CuO + H2 →
Question. Out of LiH,MgH2 and CuH
(a) all are ionic hydrides
(b) LiH,MgH2 are ionic and CuH covalent hydride
(c) all are covalent hydrides
(d) LiH is ionic,MgH2 and CuH are intermediate hydrides
Question. Which one of the following statements is incorrect with regard to ortho and para dihydrogen?
(a) They are nuclear spin isomers
(b) The ortho isomer has zero nuclear spin whereas the para isomer has one nuclear spin
(c) The para isomer is favoured at low temperatures
(d) The thermal conductivity of the para isomer is 50% greater than that of the ortho isomer
Question. The compound sodium polymeta phosphate Na2[Na4(PO3)6 ] is called Calgon because
(a) it was developed by the scientist
(b) it was developed first in California
(c) it refers to calcium gone
(d) it is based on the name of the company which developed
Question. Hydrogen peroxide is used as
(a) an oxidant only
(b) a reductant only
(c) an acid only
(d) All of these
Question. Which one of the following statements about water is false?
(a) Water can act both as an acid and as a base
(b) There is extensive intramolecular hydrogen bonding in the condensed phase
(c) Ice formed by heavy water sinks in normal water
(d) Water is oxidised to oxygen during photosynthesis
Question. Which one of the following processes will produce hard water?
(a) Saturation of water with CaSO4
(b) Saturation of water with CaCO3
(c) Addition of Na S2O4 to water
(d) Saturation of water withMgCO3
Question. Which of the following is responsible for the permanent hardness of water?
(a) Calcium bicarbonate
(b) Sodium chloride
(c) Magnesium bicarbonate
(d) Calcium sulphate
Question. Which of the following equations depicts the oxidising nature of H O 2 2?
(a) 2Mno−4 + 6H+ + 5H2O2 → 2mn2+ 8H2O + 5O2
(b) 2Fe3+ + 2H+ +H2O2 → 2Fe2+ + 2H2O +O2
(c) 2I− + 2H+ + H2O2 → l2 +2H2O
(d) KIO4 + H2O2 → KIO3 + H2O + O2
Question. Acidified solution of chromic acid on treatment with H2O2 yields
(a) CrO3 + H2O + O2
(b) C2rO3 + H2O + O2
(c) CrO5 + H2O + K2SO4
(d) H2Cr2O7 + H2O + O2
Question. Which one of the following statements is correct for H2O2?
(a) It reduces ferricyanide to ferrocyanide in acidic medium
(b) It oxidises lead monoxide to lead dioxide
(c) It acts as a reducing agent in the decolourisation of acidified KMnO4
(d) It oxidises hydrides of chlorine and bromine to their diatomic gases

We hope the above multiple choice questions for Class 11 Chemistry for Chapter 9 Hydrogen provided above with answers based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS are really useful for you. Hydrogen is an important chapter in Class 11 as it provides very strong understanding about this topic. Students should go through the answers provided for the MCQs after they have themselves solved the questions. All MCQs have been provided with four options for the students to solve. These questions are really useful for the benefits of class 11 students. Please go through these and let us know if you have any feedback in the comments section.