HOTS Accountancy Class 11 and 12
Students should refer to the following HOTS Accountancy Class 11 and 12 prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued for Accountancy in Class 11 and 12. High Order Thinking Skills questions are easy to learn and are scoring. You can click on the chapter wise links below and download the HOTs and study them to get better marks in exams
HOTS for Accountancy Class 12
HOTS for Class 12 Accountancy Part 1
Chapter 1: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organisation
Chapter 2: Accounting for Partnership: Basic Concepts
Chapter 3: Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm – Admission of a Partner
Chapter 4: Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm – Retirement/Death of a Partner
Chapter 5: Dissolution of Partnership Firm
HOTS for Class 12 Accountancy Part 2
Chapter 1: Accounting for Share Capital
Chapter 2: Issue and Redemption of Debentures
Chapter 3: Financial Statements of a Company
Chapter 4: Analysis of Financial Statement
Chapter 5: Accounting Ratios
Chapter 6: Cash Flow Statement

HOTs or High Order Thinking Skills questions are being asked in various examinations in class 11th and class 12th. These are very special types of questions in which the student has to understand a situation and based on that certain questions are asked which help to understand students’ analytical thinking and understanding capabilities. This type of higher order thinking skills questions are gaining more importance as rot learning is no longer considered good and the objective of the education system is to develop thinking skills in students so that they can apply the education that they obtained in various situations and resolve day-to-day problems. HOTS Accountancy Class 11 and 12 are very important as these carry a good amount of marks in your final examination and if practiced properly can help you to obtain more marks. On our website, we have provided a complete database of HOTS questions so that you can practice them thoroughly and get better marks and grades in your upcoming class 11 accountancy examination.
We have also provided a big database of HOTS questions for class 12th accountancy also as in the final board examination these and questions are also very popular among students and teachers and can be asked several times. students should carefully go through the database of high order thinking skills questions and answers that we have provided below so that when you appear in the examination you have thought about the practice of these questions and you are able to solve them to get a higher rank. are teachers have done thorough research of each and every topic that has been given in class 11 and class 12 Accountancy book based on which they have prepared these questions of higher order thinking skills are generally called as hots questions so that the students can use them for daily practice as well as use them to revise just before the examination which will help them to get the type of scores that they looking for. These have also been recommended in dk goel solutions class 12. The objective is to assess the students’ understanding, analytical ability and interpretation. Just memorizing the meaning of concepts does not help in understanding the subject and the use of these concepts.